4 Ways You Should Be Tracking Your SMS Campaigns

June 21, 2024 | By Sam Pelton
various icons indicating tracking

Marketing and tracking go hand in hand.

In other words, you can’t have good marketing without good tracking.

And the same is true for your SMS campaigns.

So how can you track your SMS campaigns to make sure they’re as effective as possible?

Here are 4 ways you should be tracking them from your dashboard reporting…

  1. Monitor Delivery Rates

Are you getting good delivery for your messages?

Make sure your messages are getting delivered as expected.

After all, if your messages aren’t getting delivered, then you’re not really reaching the people you’re trying to reach.

If you’re having issues with your delivery rates, you may be able to improve by registering your brand (with Mobile Text Alerts, you can do that via a form that’s accessible on your main dashboard page)—or by adjusting your message content.

You can check out some compliance best practices here to help with delivery rates.

  1. Monitor Click Rates

Most SMS campaigns include a CTA for recipients to click a link.

So one of the most important ways you can track your campaigns is by tracking your click rates.

Low click rates may mean that you need to reevaluate your approach at some level of your campaign.

The issue could be…

  • The audience isn’t relevant
  • The timing isn’t good
  • The message copy is off
  • The offer doesn’t resonate

  1. Monitor Unsubscribe Rates

While the unsubscribe rate isn’t the most important metric, high unsubscribe rates can be a red flag that you should adjust the approach to your campaign.

One reason for high unsubscribe rates would be an audience that isn’t relevant to the messages you’re sending.

If you collect clear opt-in consent when getting people to sign up for your text list, and if you only send targeted and relevant messages, you shouldn’t see high unsubscribe rates.

  1. Monitor Response Rates

The response rate may or may not be an important metric to you, depending on your campaign.

While most campaigns focus more on getting clicks, some campaigns may have the goal of getting people to respond.

For these types of campaigns, good response rates will tell you that your campaign has been successful—while low response rates may indicate that you need to make some changes.

Other Metrics to Track Externally

The above metrics are ones that are directly trackable within your Mobile Text Alerts dashboard.

But there are other metrics you can consider.

Some of these would include…

  • Conversion Rate: How many people in your campaigns are actually converting, according to whatever conversion goal you have in mind for your campaign?
  • Cost per Acquisition (CPA): How much is it actually costing you to acquire the text leads that you’re messaging?
  • Return on Investment (ROI): What return are you getting from sending your text campaigns, compared to the expenditure?

Start Tracking Your SMS Campaigns Now

Maybe you’re already a tracking pro.

On the other hand, maybe you haven’t started with your SMS marketing at all yet.

That’s OK!

You can try out an SMS platform for free.

And you’ll be able to track to your heart’s content.

Get a Free 14-Day Trial with Mobile Text Alerts

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Get a Free 14-Day Trial Account

Start sending mass text messages to your entire list today!
