SMS API for 2024 | The Global Features You Need

July 17, 2024 (Updated) | By Sam Pelton
Cartoon graphic of a person receiving an automated text message

Let's say you're looking for an SMS message API that lets you programmatically send text messages with the best rates around...

Well, you've come to the right place!

Intrigued? Or not sure what I'm talking about?

Never fear!

Here we'll walk you through our SMS API service so that you can get all the benefits of automated texting for your business - at the lowest cost possible.

Don't need the walkthrough? You can take the first step right now and get a free 14-day trial.

Help your business automate communication with SMS API

You know text messaging is an effective way to really reach people.

And with an SMS API, you'll be able to program the automations you need in order to take full advantage of the effectiveness of text messaging.

Messages delivered right to your customers' phones.

Your databases seamlessly connecting to your SMS flows.

Text message campaigns triggered immediately when your customers take actions like filling out a form or making a purchase.

It's all programmable, right at your fingertips...

Why use our SMS Message API?

Why should you use our API?

  • Get the lowest prices while retaining the highest quality support, security, and deliverability (get a custom quote by contacting sales)
  • Enjoy seamless integration with your current services - so that you can have smooth workflows that are more effective
  • Rest easy knowing you have the opportunity to scale as needed
Text Message API infographic

What SMS API features can help? How does SMS API work?

Authentication method

The SMS API at Mobile Text Alerts uses an API key for authentication.

In layman’s terms, this means that your account will have a unique “code” that you’ll use as an identifier when you or your developers submit your API requests.

For any paid account, an API key can be generated under the Settings tab. (If you’re in a free trial account, you can contact support to request your API key.)

Developers can then submit API requests using an API client, plugging in your account’s unique API key according to our API documentation.

Simple as that!

Here’s some more info on programming environments, endpoints, and a sample request for sending a message...

Compatibility with any programming environment

The text message API can handle any GET requests and is compatible with any programming environment, including:

This flexibility means you don’t have to get any additional tools or software set up. Easy!

Variety of endpoints

Some examples of available endpoints include:

  • Send Message (including global SMS support)
  • Add Contact
  • Update Data Field
  • List Delivery Information
  • Create Drip Campaign
  • Create Group
  • Update Group
  • Create Shortened Link
  • Create Message Template

See the full list of endpoints in the documentation.

Having this variety of options gives you more choices for programming your SMS platform to accomplish whatever goal you’re trying to achieve - whether that’s:

  • Tighter security
  • Better team communication
  • Improved customer satisfaction
  • Boosted lead engagement
  • Or any other purpose you have for sending text messages.
API example

What are the benefits of an SMS API for you?

In addition to the benefit of simply being able to automate and integrate SMS sending processes, an SMS API service helps free up limitations with a variety of options (as seen in the “endpoints” section above).

Messaging options for optimal possibilities

You can use our SMS API to send messages globally around the world.

Not only can you send SMS (which stands for “Short Message Service” and simply refers to a regular text message), you can also include media with MMS (“Multimedia Messaging Service”).

This means you can send images, GIFs, and other files along with your texts. The MMS option also allows you to send out longer messages (up to 1550 characters).

The ability to view any replies your recipient has sent in also means you can monitor and carry on 2-way conversations with your subscribers.

With all of these options for sending messages via text message API, the door is wide open with possibilities to utilize texting to bring a boost to your business or organization.

Subscriber options for convenient management

You can add or remove contacts to or from your SMS service using the API at any time.

In addition, you can easily pull up a list of all contacts in your database.

Or if you want to view information about a single contact, you can retrieve that using the “Get Subscriber” call.

These options give you a more convenient way to manage your SMS contacts programmatically.

Group options for efficient organization

Improve your efficiency with “grouping” options for your contacts.

You can quickly create “groups,” which are organizational segments by which you can categorize your contacts.

This allows you to send targeted messages according to the organized segments you’ve set up.

And this can all be done via the SMS API, so it’s efficient and easy for you.

2FA options for convenient security

Two-factor authentication via SMS helps keep your users’ accounts secure by requiring them to enter a unique code sent in a text message to their phone.

You can send out these helpful security texts conveniently through your text message API.

Access to web platform and mobile app for maximized options

Are there additional goals you want to accomplish beyond sending basic messages and account management?

Don’t sweat it! Your SMS API also comes with full access to our own web platform and mobile app for even more robust options.

So you don’t have to feel limited if you want to explore other possibilities.


That’s just a sampling of some of the ways you can create automations via an SMS API.

Whatever your situation, this kind of automation helps drive you to reach your goals with less work and hassle to you.

SMS API documentation

If you're a developer looking for SMS API documentation, you can find that here.

Sample request for sending a text message

As an example, the GET parameters to send a text message include:

keyyour unique API key which will be assigned to your account
messagetext message content
numberphone number which will receive the message

A sample request plugging in these parameters would be:

rest/?key=testkey&request=send_message&message= This+is+a+test+message&number=4027188843

What can you do with SMS API? (Examples & use cases)

Here are some examples of ways a text message API can help make your life easier...

Texts triggered by actions or events

Using an SMS API, you can set up texts to automatically go out whenever a particular action is taken on your site/app.

This could include actions such as:

Or you could set up messages to be sent in response to certain events, such as:

  • a customer’s declined payment
  • an account renewal
  • an account expiration

These kinds of automated follow-up texts can help boost engagement or sales - or both.

Thanks for your recent purchase! You can view your receipt here: [link]

Database syncing with CRMs

Another use for API as it relates to texting would be to pass your CRM database contacts into your SMS contact list.

You could set it up so that whenever a contact is added into your CRM or contact management software, they are also automatically added to your text list and sent a text message.

This saves the hassle of the extra steps needed to manually add your contacts to both or to manually send them a text message.

Welcome to the PieChart family! You'll receive SMS notifications of any office emergencies or closures.

Two-factor authentication

An SMS message API can allow you to send out automated two-factor authentication texts.

You can use this to help beef up security for your users.

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What is an SMS API?

If you’re a web developer or have developer knowledge, the concept of API needs no explanation.

But in case you’re not, “API” stands for “application programming interface.”

It’s simply a way to program different pieces of software to connect to each other.

An SMS API, then, allows developers to programmatically send out text messages. Since it's programmatic, you can scale your SMS efforts as needed.

The ability to program a text messaging software means that you have the flexibility to set up your own automations, integrations, and tools to send out text messages on your own terms.

Combine the power of automation with the effectiveness of texting and you’ve got a winning combo.

Through a text message API, you can have more control over your sending capabilities, thus leading to less hassle.

What’s the cost for an SMS message API?

While the listed plans are already reasonably priced (starting at $20/month), API customers may receive discounted pricing.

Let sales know your expected volume of monthly messages and they may be able to provide you with a custom quote.

How to get an SMS API

So you know that you want to use an SMS API for your business or organization.

You know how prevalent texting is, and how it’s the best way to get in touch with your audience in our current environment.

And, of course, you know that being able to set up your own text message automations is icing on the cake.

But you may be wondering if it’s difficult to get a text message API set up and running.

Think again!

All you need to do is:

  1. Get an account at Mobile Text Alerts.
  2. View the API key in your account "Settings."
  3. Access the API documentation to determine how to implement SMS for your purposes.
Screenshot of Settings page

(If you decide to do the free trial first, you simply need to contact support after creating your account and ask for an API key.)

That’s it! No rigamarole or complicated, drawn-out approval process. You can get started in minutes.


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Start sending mass text alerts to your entire list today!
