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106 SMS Marketing Statistics: Say Hello to Potential.

So what are the stats on SMS marketing? Is SMS really a powerful marketing opportunity with the potential to be a significant revenue-booster for your business? Or is it all hype?

Let's dig in and find out...

Person texting in front of computer

Why Look into SMS Marketing Statistics?

Can you picture your next lunch break?

Let’s say you’re sitting there, sipping your water (or tea or soda or energy drink or coffee—take your pick). You’re scrolling on your phone, enjoying a quick respite from the hustle of the morning.

Suddenly, a text message pops up.

It’s from your favorite clothing brand, offering a flash sale on shirts.

Within minutes you’ve clicked, viewed the available sales, and made a purchase…

Welcome to the potential of SMS marketing.

But what are the stats on SMS marketing? Is it really a powerful marketing opportunity with the potential to be a significant revenue-booster for your business? Or is it all hype?

Let’s dig into some of those stats and find out.

A Note About SMS Marketing Statistics…

The reality is that the internet is full of stats in general, SMS marketing-related or not—and not all of those stats are as reliable as others.

Many articles flout numbers without clearly citing the source. Some data is old, or from sources that have a vested interest.

(For example, a stat that is still heavily cited is that SMS has a 98% read rate, which, while may have been true at one time, has recently been found to be outdated.)

Much of this online information doesn’t come from academic-level endeavors—they aren’t peer-reviewed by experts and aren’t required to vigorously defend all of their sources.

And there’s not necessarily anything wrong with that, as long as people realize that all such online sources must be taken with a grain of salt as they cannot necessarily be verified.

Most stats you find on blog posts throughout the internet are not necessarily based on rigorous scientific testing. But they can still be helpful in providing interesting insights that can help inform our decisions.

And even if stats are accurate, they may not necessarily hold true for your specific audience.

Take the stats listed below for informational purposes to help you make decisions, but ultimately you should run your own tests and figure out what works for your business.

Without further ado, here are some SMS marketing stats for your benefit and enjoyment…

Why You Should Use SMS (Based on the SMS Marketing Statistics)...

The Value of SMS Marketing...

  • The value of the SMS marketing market is expected to be at $12.6 billion by 2025, while the value of the market size in 2020 was just $5.0 billion (G1)
  • 91% of respondents either have already subscribed to an SMS list or have an interest in it (A1)
  • 88% of respondents from countries external to the US (the UK, Australia, and Canada) either have already subscribed to a brand’s SMS list or have an interest in it (A1)
  • 63% of respondents say that at least two times per week they engage with brand SMS (A1)
  • Respondents reported a preference for engaging with a brand through text message than through calling, speaking in person, doing laundry, or exercising (A1)
  • 87% of respondents in the US who have signed up for an SMS list from a brand are likely to buy (A1)
  • 80% of respondents in the UK, 82% of respondents in Australia, and 78% of respondents in Canada who have signed up for an SMS list from a brand are likely to buy (A1)
  • 53% of marketer respondents who are currently using SMS say it is one of their top 3 channels that drive revenue (A1)
  • 22% of these say that 20% of their revenue comes from SMS (A1)
  • 73% of marketer respondents who are currently using SMS say that SMS drives increasing revenue (A1)
  • SMS has a 55% read rate and 100% “view rate” (M1)


High View Rate

High View Rate

SMS have a high chance of being viewed by recipients

Promising Potential

Promising Potential

SMS shows promising potential for convincing recipients to convert and to become repeat buyers

Interested Market

Interested Market

People have an interest in receiving SMS from brands

Mobile Phone Usage Statistics

More on mobile phone usage...

  • In the United States, wireless networks supported traffic of over 73.7 trillion MB in 2022 (C1)
  • The average amount of data usage is expected to grow to 58 GB per smartphone (C1)
  • $39 billion was spent on wireless networks in 2022 (C1)
  • Wireless customers sent over 2.1 trillion texts in 2022 (C1)
  • There are almost 7 billion mobile subscriptions worldwide (S1)
  • Sales on mobile for ecommerce were as high as $2.2 trillion in 2023 (S4)
  • Sales on mobile for ecommerce are expected to reach up to $3.4 trillion in 2027 (S4)
  • People spend an average of 4.5 hours per day on a phone, engaged in activities besides talking (S5)
  • People sometimes check their phone up to 96 times each day (A2)
  • 97% of Americans own a cell phone (P1)


Almost All People...

Almost All People...

...in the United States have access to receive SMS

Enormous Reach

Enormous Reach

Mobile marketing, and SMS marketing specifically, has potential to reach an enormous number of people



Not only can SMS effectively reach a large number of people - it can do it quickly

SMS and Email Marketing Statistics: Use SMS to Complement Email

More Stats on SMS and Email...

Respondent opinions about SMS and email

  • 35% of respondents say that it is very helpful to receive a message via email as well as SMS (K1)
    • 33% of respondents say it is repetitive (K1)
    • 27% of respondents say that whether or not it is helpful to receive both email and SMS depends (K1)
  • 5% of respondents concurrently subscribe to a brand’s email list when they sign up for that brand’s SMS list (A1)


SMS is a significant marketing channel in its own right

Sometimes Preferred

Sometimes Preferred

SMS is sometimes preferred over email for time-sensitive information



SMS and email can be used in a complementary way to support each other

Use SMS and Email (but Take Care)

Use SMS and Email (but Take Care)

In some instances, marketers can consider using both SMS and email together, but care must be taken with this approach so as not to seem redundant

Consumer Preferences and Behavior: How to Go About SMS


Preference Stats...

Chart showing reasons way people will share their phone number for SMS marketing

  • 63% of North American respondents said that being offered a discount increased the likelihood of them subscribing to a brand’s SMS messages (K1)
  • In another survey, 49% of US respondents reported that a “great discount” would lead them to share their phone number; similarly, around 50% said that a “complimentary gift” would lead them to share their number (A1)
  • The top 5 reasons people sign up for SMS: (per source K1)
    • 39% of respondents said it was because the brand was one that they loved
    • 38% of respondents said it was because they wanted a discount on an upcoming purchase
    • 38% of respondents said it was because they wanted order status updates
    • 37% of respondents said it was because they often purchase from the brand
    • 35% of respondents said it was because they wanted to make a purchase when the brand offers sales

Top kinds of messages people want to receive more of via SMS: (per source K1)

  • 51% of respondents (57% in North America) want to receive more shipping and delivery confirmations
  • 42% of respondents want to receive more coupons and promo codes
  • 39% of respondents (45% in North America) want to receive more birthday deals
  • 32% of respondents want to receive more announcements about promotions and sales
  • 30% of respondents want to receive more loyalty messages

Top kinds of messages people want to receive less of via SMS: (per source K1)

  • 37% of respondents want to receive fewer cart reminder messages
  • 34% of respondents want to receive fewer “low inventory” messages
  • 33% of respondents want to receive fewer messages based on actions the user takes
  • 32% of respondents want to receive fewer announcements about products
  • 32% of respondents want to receive fewer messages with helpful content that doesn’t have a sales component

35–44-year-olds were found to… (A1)

  • Be the most likely to be first-time purchasers of a brand’s product after signing up for text messages
  • Be the most likely to buy again if they are text message subscribers of the brand
  • Be the most likely to be willing to purchase between $100–$500 worth of items they’ve seen promoted via SMS


feature icon


Incentives drive people to be willing to subscribe to SMS

feature icon

Convenience, Speed, Efficiency

Marketers can emphasize convenience, speed, and efficiency as reasons for people to subscribe to texts

feature icon

Factors that Can Cause Opt-Outs

Too many messages, a lack of proper opt-in procedures, and repetitive or irrelevant content may cause people to unsubscribe from SMS marketing

feature icon

Fewer Abandoned Cart Notices

People are less interested in receiving abandoned cart reminders and low inventory alerts than other types of messages

feature icon


SMS generally evokes positive emotions, but can sometimes evoke negative emotions so care must be taken

feature icon

35–44-Year-Old Demographic

35–44-year-olds are a good demographic to target for SMS marketing

Other SMS Marketing Best Practices: How to Go About SMS

How Often?

  • 72% of respondents said brands should send at least 1 SMS per week (K1)
  • 45% of respondents said brands should send more than 1 SMS per week (K1)
  • Per another survey, 85% of respondents indicated they were willing to receive up to one message a week before considering opting out (E1)
  • 72% of respondents indicated they wouldn’t want to receive more than 1 message per week (E1)
Chart showing text message preferences for days of the week and time of day


1 Message per Week

1 Message per Week

Brands should be safe sending about 1 message per week



Weekdays seem to be the best days to send messages

Business Hours or Evening?

Business Hours or Evening?

People prefer to be texted during business hours, but make purchases in the evenings, so a balance must be struck in regards to the timing of messages

SMS Marketing Statistics Outside of the US

Europe and Asia Pacific...

  • 46% of European respondents receive texts from at least 4 brands (K1)
  • 23% of European respondents have purchased through SMS 4–5 times in the past year (K1)
  • 17% of Asia Pacific respondents have purchased through SMS 4–5 times in the past year (K1)
  • 66% of Asia Pacific respondents indicated that discounts were an important way to get them to subscribe to SMS (K1)
  • 40% of Asia Pacific respondents found it repetitive to receive the same email and SMS message (K1)
  • 31% of European respondents found it repetitive to receive the same email and SMS message (K1)


Not Just for the US

Not Just for the US

SMS marketing isn't only used in the United States

Europe and Asia

Europe and Asia

There is potential for success in SMS marketing in both European and Asia Pacific regions

Redundant Messaging

Redundant Messaging

International recipients seem to be less tolerant of redundant messaging across channels

Key Takeaways

Some practical takeaways from these stats include:

  • SMS marketing—and mobile phone usage in general—is alive and thriving, so businesses would do well to consider how to best take advantage of it
  • Offer discounts to get people to subscribe to your texts
  • People generally prefer emails, but many do prefer SMS for both transactional messages (for example, confirmations) and promotional messages (for example, birthday deals and coupons)
    • Consider sending text messages alongside some emails (but not too many)
    • Avoid overusing cart reminders, low inventory alerts, and non-sales content—these seem to be less desired
    • Capitalize on purchase intent—the stats above seem to indicate high conversion potential
  • People don’t want to be overwhelmed with too many SMS messages—we would recommend that you don't send more than 1 SMS per week
  • People prefer to be texted on weekdays, with a large number preferring to be texted during regular business hours (9am–5pm)—although 45% of people are most likely to make purchases in the evening, so you could test sending some messages in the evening
  • Consider expanding your SMS marketing to international customers and prospects

As you can see, SMS marketing has promising potential for becoming a major source of revenue for your business.

How can you be taking better advantage of SMS as a marketing medium?

If you haven’t gotten started yet, you can try a free test account now to get a feel for how it would work for you.

Take the first step to trying SMS marketing for your own business...


K1: Klaviyo
S1-S5: Statista
G1: Grand View Research
A1: Attentive
M1: Mobile Text Alerts
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