How to Send a Text Survey In 7 Simple Steps [2024]

October 27, 2023 | By Julian Lankstead
Person filling out survey on phone

Sending a text survey seems straightforward, but there's more to it than just drafting a message and hitting send.

You're aiming for responses, clarity, and, hopefully, a bit of engagement from your recipients.

You've probably got questions: How do I make my survey effective? How do I ensure the recipient understands and responds?

Don’t fret! By the end of this article, you'll have a clear roadmap for sending text surveys that people actually want to answer.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive in!

What is a text survey?

A text survey is a set of questions sent via SMS or other messaging platforms to gather feedback, opinions, or information. The key is crafting a clear, relevant survey that encourages participation.

Unlike traditional paper surveys or lengthy online questionnaires, text surveys are concise, direct, and designed for quick responses.

The beauty of a text survey? It meets your audience where they already are - on their phones.

Reasons you should learn the art of sending text surveys

So, you've heard about text surveys and maybe even received a few yourself. They're quick, direct, and to the point. But why exactly should you get into the nitty-gritty of sending them?

  1. Direct Access to Respondents: Most people always have their mobile devices within arm's reach. By using text surveys, you're directly reaching your audience, ensuring a higher chance of immediate engagement.
  2. Higher Response Rates: Due to their convenience and brevity, text surveys often receive higher response rates than other methods like emails or online forms.
  3. Real-time Feedback: Whether you need swift insights on a new product or want post-event insights, text surveys deliver real-time information for faster, informed decisions.
  4. Cost-Effective: Texting can often be more affordable than traditional mail surveys or phone interviews, making it a budget-friendly choice for many organizations.
  5. Flexibility: Be it market research, employee satisfaction, or customer feedback, text surveys can be tailored to meet various needs.
  6. Personal Touch: Even though automated, a well-crafted text survey can feel unique to the recipient. It offers a direct line of communication that can nurture a sense of connection between you and your audience.

By understanding the advantages of text surveys, you're arming yourself with a contemporary and effective tool. Once you grasp its art, it can reshape your approach to data collection.

Now that we've piqued your interest with the 'why,' let's get down to the 'how.'

Step-by-step instructions for sending a text survey

Sending a text survey isn’t just about firing off questions to your recipients. It's about crafting the right message, choosing the ideal timing, and ensuring that every interaction provides value to you and the respondent.

But don't worry, it's not as complex as it sounds. With these step-by-step instructions, you'll be well on your way to creating and sending text surveys that get responses and generate meaningful insights.

Ready to send that perfect text survey? Let’s dive right in!

1. Define the objective of the survey

Before you type out a question, ask yourself, "What do I really want to achieve with this survey?"

This is foundational. Whether seeking feedback on a new product, gauging your employees' satisfaction levels, or simply trying to understand consumer preferences, having a clear objective will guide every subsequent decision.

Defining your objective serves two primary purposes:

  • Clarity: It narrows down the type and number of questions you'll need, making your survey concise and to the point.
  • Goal: Knowing what you want to achieve ensures that every question serves a purpose, eliminating unnecessary fluff.

So, grab a pen and paper, open up a new doc, and jot down the primary goal of your survey. Remember, a well-defined objective is the backbone of a successful text survey.

2. Segment your audience

Now that you have a clear objective, it's time to think about the 'who.'

Only some people in your contact list will be the right fit for every survey. Just as you wouldn't ask your vegetarian friend for the best steakhouse recommendations, you want to ensure you're reaching out to your survey's most relevant audience.

These criteria should help you segment your audience:

  • Relevance: Ensure the group you're targeting has a connection to the survey topic. For instance, if it's a product feedback survey, target those who've purchased or shown interest in that product.
  • Demographics: Consider factors like age, location, and purchasing habits. A survey about a new tech gadget might be more relevant to a younger demographic. In contrast, a survey about retirement plans might resonate more with an older segment.
  • Engagement History: Has this group responded to surveys in the past? Segmenting by engagement can increase response rates by targeting those interested in sharing their feedback.

By taking the time to segment your audience, you're not only increasing the chances of getting a response but also ensuring that the feedback you receive is relevant and valuable. After all, the more tailored your approach, the better the insights you'll gather.

3. Choose a text survey platform

Once you've honed in on your objective and identified your audience, the next crucial step is deciding on the texting platform.

Consider choosing the best delivery method for a precious package - you want reliability, ease of use, and some valuable features to sweeten the deal.

Here's what to consider when selecting a platform:

  • Usability: The platform should be user-friendly for both you (as the sender) and the recipients. A complex system could deter responses or even lead to errors.
  • Features: Look for platforms that offer features like analytics, which can provide insights into open rates, response rates, and more. Some platforms may offer templates or question libraries to ease the creation process.
  • Integration: Consider how well the app works with other tools you might be using. For instance, does it sync easily with your CRM or marketing automation tools?
  • Cost: While opting for free platforms is tempting, they might need more essential features or reliability. Weigh the cost against the benefits to find a solution that offers value for money.
  • Scalability: If you plan on sending surveys regularly or to a growing audience, ensure the platform can handle larger volumes without hitches.

Remember, the platform is more than just a tool. It's the bridge between you and your audience. Choosing the right one can affect the effectiveness and efficiency of your text survey campaign.

4. Prepare your survey questions

Now, onto the heart of the matter: crafting those all-important questions.

Formulating the right questions is both an art and a science. You're trying to extract valuable information as concisely and clearly as possible. But, while it might sound overwhelming, with a few guidelines in mind, you'll be crafting stellar survey questions in no time.

Here’s what to keep in mind:

  • Simplicity is Key: Avoid jargon or complex phrasing. Your questions should be easy for anyone to understand, regardless of background or familiarity with the topic.
  • Stay Objective: Leading questions can skew your results. For instance, instead of asking, "Don't you think our new product is great?" ask, "How would you rate our new product?"
  • One Question at a Time: Avoid compound questions. For example, don't ask, "How satisfied are you with our product's price and quality?" Break it into two separate questions.
  • Open vs. Closed Questions: While closed questions ('yes' or 'no') are more accessible to analyze, open questions can offer deeper insights. Balance both types based on your survey's objective.
  • Limit the Length: Since it's a text survey, you don’t want to overwhelm respondents. A good rule of thumb is to keep it under five questions but adjust based on the depth of feedback you're seeking.

Remember, every question should serve a purpose and bring you closer to achieving your survey's objective. Once your questions are set, you're halfway to launching your successful text survey. Keep the momentum going!

5. Test the survey

Just like you wouldn’t serve a dish at a big dinner party without tasting it first, you shouldn’t send out a text survey without a test run. Testing is the safety net that catches any oversights, technical glitches, or ambiguities that might have slipped through.

Here's a simple guide on how to effectively test your survey:

  • Internal Testing: Start with your team. They can provide immediate feedback on clarity, flow, and technical issues. This is also a chance to check how the survey appears on different devices.
  • Time It Right: Check how long it takes to complete the survey. Remember, one of the appeals of a text survey is its brevity. If it's taking longer than expected, you should revise.
  • Check for Bias: A fresh set of eyes can help spot any unintentional biases or leading questions you might have missed.
  • Feedback Loop: Encourage your test group to provide feedback not just on the content but also on the overall experience. Were there any barriers to completing the survey? Were the instructions clear?
  • Analyze Sample Data: Look at the data once your test group responds. Are you getting the kind of insights you were hoping for? If not, you should reword or reorder some questions.
  • Adjust Accordingly: Based on the feedback and data from the test run, make any necessary adjustments to your survey before sending it to the broader audience.

Ensuring your survey is tried, tested, and tweaked as necessary sets you up for success. A little effort in this phase can save you from potential hiccups down the road and ensure that your survey delivers the insights you’re after. Onward to the next step!

6. Select the perfect time and send

Timing, as they say, is everything. This is very true when it comes to sending out text surveys.

It's not just about crafting the perfect questions but also ensuring they land in your respondent's inbox at just the right moment. Imagine sending a survey during the wee hours of the morning or right during a busy workday. Not ideal, right?

Choosing the perfect time increases the chances of your survey being opened, read, and responded to.

First, think about your audience's routine. If you're targeting working professionals, sending it during lunch hours or early evening might fetch better responses. For students, mid-afternoon or weekends might be more suitable.

Then, factor in the nature of the survey. A fun, lighthearted survey could fit well for a Friday afternoon. At the same time, something more serious or detailed might be better for midweek when recipients are more focused.

Remember, with text surveys, you're entering a personal space, so being considerate of your recipient’s time can go a long way in establishing respect and increasing engagement.

Once you've pinpointed that golden hour, hit send with confidence. The groundwork you've laid in the previous steps ensures your survey is primed for success. And as those responses start trickling in, you'll know the effort was worth it.

7. Monitor and follow up on responses

So, you've hit send, and now the waiting game begins. But here's the thing-it shouldn't be a passive wait. Monitoring responses and following up is crucial to the text survey process.

After sending your survey, keep a close eye on the incoming responses. This gives you a sense of the engagement level and provides quick insights into areas of interest or concern. It's like watching live feedback; there's a certain thrill in seeing real-time reactions to your carefully crafted questions.

But it doesn't end there. Following up is equally important. If you notice a respondent has opened the survey but not completed it, a gentle reminder might nudge them to finish. A simple "Hey! Noticed you started our survey but didn't get to finish. We'd love to hear your thoughts!" can make all the difference.

Also, once a respondent has completed the survey, don't leave them hanging. A thank you note, or even a brief acknowledgment, can go a long way in establishing goodwill.

Lastly, if you promised any incentives for completing the survey, ensure they're delivered promptly. Trust is easily broken but hard to rebuild.

Key considerations for successfully sending a text survey

After diving deep into the step-by-step process, you might think you're all set- and largely, you are! However, there are a few overarching considerations to consider to truly ace your text survey game.

  • Privacy Matters: Always ensure that the data you collect is treated with the utmost confidentiality. Be transparent about how you’ll use the feedback, and always give respondents the option to opt-out. And it’s even better to allow anonymity for the participants.
  • Incentives Can Boost Engagement: While not always necessary, offering a small incentive, be it a discount or entry into a giveaway, can significantly increase response rates.
  • Avoid Spamming: Less is often more. Sending too many surveys or reminders can lead to fatigue and even annoy your recipients. It's a balance between engagement and over-communication.
  • Iterate and Improve: The world of text surveys isn’t static. With every survey you send, there will be learnings. Take feedback, analyze results, and always look for ways to enhance the process.

With these considerations in mind, you'll gather insights and foster trust with your audience. Cheers to effective communication!

Elevate your text surveys with Mobile Texts Alerts

You've got the blueprint for sending effective text surveys. Now, power it with the unmatched capabilities of Mobile Text Alerts.

Mobile Text Alerts Home Page Screenshot

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Over to you!

We've ventured deep into the realm of text surveys, and it's clear: Your choice of platform can be the difference between blending in and truly shining.

Every message, every survey, and every interaction is an opportunity with the right tool.

Mobile Text Alerts isn’t just a tool—it’s your strategic ally, packed with features designed to amplify your reach and resonate with your audience.

Ready to elevate your SMS strategy and stand out? Book a demo or get a free Mobile Text Alerts trial now for a seamless text survey experience.


Author Bio

Julian Lankstead is the founder of He helps businesses increase revenue by providing strategies to improve business process efficiency.

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