Group SMS: How to Send on iPhone, Android, & More [2024]

February 23, 2024 (Updated) | By Sam Pelton
Group SMS: How to Send on iPhone, Android, & More [2024]

Texting (SMS) is everywhere. You can’t escape it.

Whether we like it or not, we live in a world in which phones are practically an extension of our bodies.

2.1 trillion text messages were sent in the US in 2022. According to a Statista survey, over half of respondents spend over 5 hours per day on their phones on average.

Texting is one of the best ways to get in touch with people. And, obviously, sometimes you need to get in touch with more than one person at a time—hence the term “group SMS.”

So how can you send group SMS?

Here we'll walk you through the process of sending group SMS on different platforms, from iPhones and Android devices to Samsung phones and dedicated SMS platforms.

What Is Group SMS?

“Group SMS” refers to texting more than one person at once. This is a really effective and easy way to communicate with several people.

For example, another way to communicate with multiple people at once would be through a group email—however, it’s very likely that some if not most of the email recipients won’t ever see (or will ignore) that email. A text message, on the other hand, is highly unlikely to be ignored.

The term “SMS” stands for “Short Messaging Service” and essentially just refers to texting.

These types of text messages are sent over mobile carrier networks and delivered to destination devices via the recipient’s cell phone plan. Strictly speaking, SMS are also text-only and don’t include any media. (If media is attached, the text message becomes an MMS instead.)

“SMS” is also in contrast with texts sent through web-based messaging apps like Messenger. These types of texts are delivered via the internet to recipients who have the same app.

How to Send Group SMS via iPhone

Sending group SMS messages on an iPhone is a straightforward process that allows you to efficiently communicate with multiple contacts at once.

The built-in Messages app offers a user-friendly interface for creating and managing group conversations. Follow these steps to send group SMS messages on your iPhone:

Step 1: Open the Messages App

Unlock your iPhone and locate the Messages app on your home screen. The app icon resembles a green speech bubble with a white outline.

Tap the app icon to open the Messages app.

Step 2: Start a New Message

Inside the Messages app, tap the compose button located at the top-right corner. This button usually appears as a pencil icon or a "+" symbol.

In the "To:" field, begin typing the name of the first contact you want to add to the group. As you type, the app will display suggestions based on your contacts.

Step 3: Add Contacts to the Group

Select the first contact from the suggestions or continue typing the names of additional contacts you want to add to the group.

The Messages app will automatically recognize that you're creating a group conversation and adjust the recipient field accordingly.

Step 4: Compose Your Message

Tap the message field at the bottom of the screen to begin composing your group SMS message.

Write your message, ensuring it conveys your intended information or purpose for the group.

Step 5: Send the Group SMS

After composing your message, tap the send button (an upward-pointing arrow) next to the message field.

Your group SMS message will be sent to all the contacts in the group simultaneously.

BONUS Step 6: Manage the Group

To manage the group, you can return to the conversation at any time.

Tap the group name or avatar at the top of the conversation to access group settings.

Here, you can add or remove contacts from the group, change the group name, or customize settings such as notifications.

BONUS Step 7: Consider Individual Replies

Keep in mind that when group recipients reply, their responses will be visible to everyone in the group.

Encourage participants to use individual replies for messages that aren't relevant to the entire group.

Tips for Successful Group SMS on iPhone:

  • Organize your contacts beforehand to expedite the process of creating groups.
  • Keep your messages concise and clear to engage all recipients effectively.
  • For more advanced features and customization, explore third-party messaging apps available on the App Store.

By following these steps and adhering to best practices, you can harness the power of group SMS messaging on your iPhone to stay connected and streamline communication with your contacts.

How to Send Group SMS via Android

Group SMS on Android devices offers a convenient way to communicate with multiple contacts simultaneously. Whether you're coordinating a social event or sharing important updates with colleagues, the default messaging app on Android makes it easy to send group SMS messages.

The process is largely the same as on iPhone, but with just a few differences.

Step 1: Open the Messaging App

Unlock your Android device and navigate to the home screen.

Locate and tap the messaging app icon, which is typically represented by a speech bubble or the word "Messages."

Step 2: Start a New Message

Once you're in the messaging app, tap the compose button, often denoted by a pencil or a "+" sign.

In the recipient field, start typing the name of the first contact you want to add to the group. As you type, the app will suggest contacts based on your input.

Select the contact from the suggestions or continue typing to add more contacts.

Step 3: Add Contacts to the Group

After adding the first contact, tap on the recipient field again to add another contact. Repeat this process until you've added all the contacts you want in the group.

As you add contacts, the messaging app will automatically recognize that you're creating a group and adjust the recipient field to reflect this.

Step 4: Compose Your Message

With your group formed, tap on the message field to start composing your message.

Write your message, keeping in mind the group's purpose and the content you want to convey.

Step 5: Send the Group SMS

After composing your message, tap the send button, represented by an arrow or a paper airplane icon.

The messaging app will send your message to all the contacts in the group simultaneously.

BONUS Step 6: Manage the Group

To manage the group, you can go back to the conversation at any time.

Add or remove contacts by tapping on the group name or avatar, depending on your messaging app's layout.

Edit the group name if desired, making it easier to identify later.

BONUS Step 7: Consider Individual Replies

As with iPhone, keep in mind that when recipients reply, their responses will be visible to everyone in the group.

Encourage participants to use the "Reply to Sender" option if their response is not relevant to the entire group.

Tips for Successful Group SMS on Android:

  • Organize your contacts beforehand to streamline the process of creating groups.
  • Be concise in your messages to ensure clarity and engagement.
  • If you're planning to send frequent group messages, consider using a designated app for group communication.

How to Send Group SMS via Samsung

Though technically running on the Android operating system, Samsung devices are different enough from other Android devices that they warrant their own section here.

Similarly to both iPhone and other Android devices, the default messaging app provides a user-friendly platform for creating and managing group conversations.

Here are some steps to send group SMS messages on your Samsung device.

Step 1: Open the Messaging App

Unlock your Samsung device and navigate to the home screen. Locate and tap the messaging app icon. The icon resembles a white speech bubble on a blue background.

Step 2: Start a New Message

Once inside the messaging app, tap the compose button. This button is often represented by a pencil icon or a "+ New Message" option.

In the "To" field, begin typing the name of the first contact you want to add to the group. As you type, the app will display contact suggestions.

Step 3: Add Contacts to the Group

Select the first contact from the suggestions or continue typing to add more contacts to the group.

As you add contacts, the messaging app will recognize that you're creating a group conversation and adjust the recipient field accordingly.

Step 4: Compose Your Message

Tap the message field at the bottom of the screen to start composing your group SMS message. Craft your message, keeping it concise and conveying the necessary information or purpose of the group.

Step 5: Send the Group SMS

After composing your message, tap the send button, represented by an arrow or a paper airplane icon.

The messaging app will transmit your group SMS message to all contacts in the group simultaneously.

BONUS Step 6: Manage the Group

To manage the group, you can revisit the conversation at any time.

Tap the group name or avatar at the top of the conversation to access group settings.

From here, you can add or remove contacts, rename the group, and adjust notification preferences.

BONUS Step 7: Consider Individual Replies

Keep in mind that when group recipients reply, their responses will be visible to all group members.

Encourage participants to use individual replies for messages that don't concern the entire group.

Tips for Successful Group SMS on Samsung:

  • Organize your contacts beforehand to expedite group creation.
  • Craft messages that are clear and engaging for all recipients.
  • For advanced customization, explore third-party messaging apps available on the Google Play Store.

How to Send Group SMS via an SMS Platform

If you’re going to be sending group SMS regularly (for example, if you’re a marketer or IT professional or a leader at your church), you may want to consider using an SMS platform like Mobile Text Alerts.

These platforms give you more robust features in regards to messaging large numbers of people at once and managing conversations with them.

For example:

  • You can send messages to unlimited numbers of people (on private phones there are limits to how many people can be on your group SMS)
  • You can schedule the messages ahead of time (a feature not available on iPhones)
  • You can view replies individually rather than replies going out to everyone on the recipient list
  • You can keep the contact list private so only you can see who is receiving your messages (the recipients can’t see who else has received the messages)
  • You can set up automations such as recurring messages, messages triggered based on responses people send in, or preset series of messages
  • You can view reporting on how many people (and who) have clicked links within your messages
  • You can send messages without having to use your actual phone number

Here’s how sending a group SMS via an SMS platform works.

Step 1: Choose a Reliable SMS Platform

Research and select a reputable SMS platform that aligns with your communication needs and objectives.

Look for features such as group creation, message scheduling, analytics, and customization options (and, of course, pricing that fits in your budget).

Step 2: Set Up Your Account

Create an account on your chosen SMS platform by providing the necessary information.

Then access the platform's dashboard.

Step 3: Build and Manage Contact Groups

Import your existing contacts or create new contact groups within the platform.

Categorize contacts based on common interests, demographics, or engagement levels.

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Step 4: Compose and Schedule Group Messages

Create your group SMS message within the SMS platform's message composer.

Take advantage of features like personalization to address recipients by name or include other personalized details.

Schedule the message to be sent at the most opportune time for your audience's engagement.

Step 5: Monitor and Analyze Engagement

Use the platform's analytics tools to track message delivery and click-through rates.

Adjust your group messaging strategy based on the insights gained from these analytics.

Additional Tips

Implement Automation and Triggers

Explore automation features that allow you to set up triggered messages based on user actions or time intervals.

Use automated responses to acknowledge interactions and maintain engagement.

Personalize and Segment Messages

Leverage the SMS platform's segmentation capabilities to send targeted messages to specific groups of contacts.

Create messages that resonate with each segment's preferences and interests.

Comply with Regulations and Guidelines

Ensure your group messaging practices adhere to relevant SMS guidelines, such as obtaining recipients' consent to receive messages.

(The SMS platform’s support team should be able to help you with this.)

Get a Free Account to Send Group SMS

Congrats! Now you’re an SMS pro.

You can get a free trial account to send out group SMS from an SMS platform here.

Get a Free 14-Day Trial Account

Start sending mass text alerts to your entire list today!
