Group Communication in 2024: Channels, Types, Examples

March 12, 2024 | By Sam Pelton
Cartoon representation of someone sending a text message to multiple people

Here’s a silly question…

Have you ever been involved in miscommunication?

Of course you have! We all have—with 70% of people reporting miscommunication in the workplace alone.

…Like that time you thought that quiz on social media was asking who you have a lot of respect for and you publicly said “my dad”—only to realize later that the question was actually asking “Who have you lost a lot of respect for?”

…Or that time your expectations for project goals didn’t align with someone else on your team, so you ended up getting next to nothing accomplished.

…Or that time you thought you were getting a great deal on Dr. Seuss books for your kids but when your order came, they were really just tiny abridged board books (not the classics you were hoping for).

Miscommunication can happen at any level – from personal conversations to the workplace to marketing.

Group communication in particular can be tricky because you have a lot more people involved.

And yet group communication happens all the time. There are many situations in which you have to contact multiple people at once, and in these situations you need to communicate effectively.

Although the consequences of miscommunication aren’t always dire, they are at the very least awkward.

So how can you best go about group communication for your particular situation?

We’ll walk you through all of that in this article.

What Is Group Communication?

For our purposes, group communication can be thought of as any type of communication involving more than 2–3 people.

Group communication can cover anything from internal communications in a small business to mass marketing messages to messaging church members.

With each person added to the group conversation, there’s an added layer of complexity and potential for _mis_communication.

Plus there’s the simple question of practicality—tools, strategies, and best practices for how you can most effectively communicate with groups of people.

Group Communication Types

There are a lot of different situations in which group communication plays a role…


Every company with multiple team members requires group communication—for project coordination, brainstorming, updates, announcements, and any other pertinent notices.

Marketing / Customer Service

Group communication isn’t limited to people within your business. It also involves marketing—getting communication out to prospects, customers, and clients.

As an example of how important clear group communication is with marketing…

When it comes to marketing, by some reports, 47% of email recipients open emails based on the subject line while 69% of email recipients mark it as spam based on the same—showing how important good communication is even in just the subject line of an email.

Special Circumstances

In addition to regular internal and marketing communications, many people need to send out group communications for special circumstances. This would include special events like weddings and conferences.


In some cases, you may need to engage in group communication with members of a community group, such as a church or nonprofit.

Group Communication Examples

Here are some specific examples of how group communication can look…


Just wanted to give a quick update on the [Project Name] progress. We've completed [tasks achieved] and are on track for [deadline]. Next, we need to focus on [upcoming tasks] and [action items]. Please review the attached document for details and let me know if you have any questions.

We're facing a challenge with [issue] and need your fresh ideas! Join a brainstorming session on [date, time] in [location/platform]. Come prepared to share your thoughts on [prompts] and let's get creative!

This is to inform you about a recent change regarding [topic]. As of [date], [brief explanation of change]. We understand this might require adjustments, and we're committed to supporting you through this transition. Find more details in the attached document and feel free to reach out with any questions.

I'm thrilled to announce that we've achieved [milestone]! This wouldn't have been possible without your hard work and dedication. Thank you for your incredible contributions!

Just a friendly reminder that [important date/event] is coming up on [date]. Please ensure you [action required] by [deadline].

Marketing / Customer Service

Get ready to [something desirable the audience wants to do]! Introducing [new product or service] - a solution that helps you [obtain a desirable outcome]. Check it out here: [link]

Today only! 50% off all purchases sitewide. Claim it before it’s gone: [link]

Please find attached a progress report for the [Project Name]. We've completed [tasks achieved] and are on track to deliver [deliverables] by [deadline]. We value your feedback, so please don't hesitate to share your thoughts on the progress.

Special Circumstances

With joyful hearts, we invite you to celebrate our wedding! [Bride's Name] & [Groom's Name]. Ceremony: [Date, Time] | Reception: [Date, Time] | [Location]. RSVP by

We're thrilled to welcome you to the [Conference Name]! Find the complete agenda for all sessions, talks, and workshops attached, including dates, times, and locations. You can also personalize your schedule using the mobile app. Don't forget to join our networking events and social gatherings for an enriching experience. See you there!

It's that time again! We're excited to announce our annual family reunion on [Date] at [Location]. Join us for a weekend filled with laughter, old memories, and new experiences. We'll have activities for all ages, delicious food, and plenty of time to catch up. RSVP by [Date] so we can plan accordingly. Can't wait to see you!


Welcome to our weekly newsletter! Find updates on upcoming events, sermons, Bible study groups, and volunteer opportunities. We also have a special message from [pastor's name] on [Topic]. Check it out here: [link]

Your membership empowers us to continue our mission of [mission statement]. However, we need your support to reach more people in need. Consider making a donation, participating in our upcoming fundraiser, or volunteering your time. Every contribution helps us [impact description]. Donate now: [link].

This is the agenda for our upcoming members meeting on [topic] on [date, time] at [location]. We'll be discussing [key discussion points] and seeking your input. Come prepared to share your thoughts and actively participate.

Group Communication Channels

Group communication, whether for internal messaging within a company or through marketing, flows through multiple different channels, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Here are some examples…


Nothing beats the power of in-person interaction for nonverbal cues, immediate feedback, and building rapport.

While no one can deny face-to-face communication has its benefits, it can be more time-consuming than other forms of communication and isn’t feasible in many situations (such as if you’re trying to communicate with a large number of customers or prospects).

  • Ideal for: Internal brainstorming sessions, team building exercises, sensitive discussions, and building trust.
  • Challenges: Scheduling difficulties, inconvenience, feasibility.

Virtual Meeting / Collaboration

In our post-pandemic world, many have found the benefits of virtual collaboration through channels such as Zoom and Slack.

Video conferencing, online forums, and collaborative tools bridge geographical gaps. They allow groups of people to interact effectively without needing to be in the same space—although you can, of course, never fully move away from the benefits of face-to-face interaction.

  • Ideal for: Large meetings, presentations, distributed teams, and real-time collaboration.
  • Challenges: Technical glitches, limited non-verbal cues, and potential for multitasking distractions.


Emails provide a lasting record and allow for asynchronous communication.

Emails also allow you to communicate with large groups of people quickly in a way that they can conveniently review and respond (if needed) on their own time. And there’s a written record of all communication, so the information can be easily referred back to.

That said, emails can sometimes get lost in the shuffle because many people are inundated with them.

  • Ideal for: Sharing detailed information, promotions, newsletters, formal announcements, and asynchronous communication.
  • Challenges: Can be misinterpreted without tone or context, lacks immediacy, and engagement might be lower.


Text messages provide most of the benefits of emails but are briefer, more immediate, and more personal.

People are much more likely to read text messages, so if you send a text message to a large number of people, you can be confident that most of them will actually read your message.

One potential challenge is that you don’t want to overuse it as a channel, and it can be more costly than email.

  • Ideal for: Sharing brief information, promotions, reminders, updates, and asynchronous communication
  • Challenges: Can be misinterpreted without tone or context, limited to briefer communications.

Social Media

Public forums, group chats, and social media platforms facilitate large-scale discussions and information sharing.

However, with social media there is no guarantee how many people (if any) will actually see your messages, so it shouldn’t be used as a sole communication method for important information.

  • Ideal for: Public outreach, brainstorming with different audiences, and promoting transparency.
  • Challenges: Unreliable reach, oversaturation.


The "best" channel isn't always one-size-fits-all.

Consider the size and purpose of your group, the technology available, and the purpose of the specific type of communication.

Group Communication Channels with the Headers in the section above and bullet points

Group Communication Apps

So what are some actual apps you can use for the different types of group communication channels?

Here are some ideas…

Virtual Meeting / Collaboration

  • SlackSlack is one of the go-to channels for virtual collaboration within workplaces, and sometimes across workplaces. However, it is not usually the best for communicating in other settings (such as with your customers).
  • Microsoft TeamsMicrosoft Teams is similar to Slack: popular for virtual collaboration within workplaces but not designed for communication with customers and clients.
  • Zoom – Since Zoom is easy-to-use and found a usage boost during COVID, it’s become a go-to for virtual meetings across the board—with team members, clients/customers, prospects, and anyone else.
  • Google MeetGoogle Meet is another popular option for virtual meetings and doesn’t require any kind of installation, which makes it really convenient for any kind of large group meetings (whether with team members or clients).


For communication within your company or workplace, any old email platform will usually do. If you want, you can use programs such as Outlook to help you organize and manage things a little easier.

If you’re communicating with an audience outside of your workplace (such as customers, clients, or members), you’ll want to use a mass email tool.

Some email tools include:


Texting large numbers of people requires a texting platform like Mobile Text Alerts, which allows you to manage a database of numbers and send out mass text messages.

Even though the text messages are sent on a mass basis, each person receives the message individually.

Group Communication Activities

Coming at things from a different angle—

When talking about group communication in your internal workplace, there are some creative ways you can help foster group communication among your team members.

Below are some ideas, but note that not everyone enjoys all of these kinds of activities in the workplace. You should understand your workplace culture to make sure something like this would be appropriate for your environment and wouldn’t feel like (or actually be) a waste of time.

For Brainstorming and Problem-Solving

  • Mind Mapping: Draw a central idea on a board/wall, and encourage everyone to contribute related ideas branching out, fostering creative connections.
  • Role-Playing: Assign different perspectives or scenarios to participants, acting them out to gain different viewpoints and solutions.
  • 6-3-5 Method: Each participant writes 6 ideas on a topic in 3 minutes, then exchanges papers, builds on 3 ideas for 5 minutes, and shares their final solutions.
  • World Café: Set up multiple discussion stations with different prompts, allowing participants to rotate and contribute to various topics.

For Team Building and Bonding

  • Icebreakers: Start with fun, low-pressure games or activities to break the ice and encourage introductions.
  • Scavenger Hunts: Design a thematic scavenger hunt around the meeting space or online, fostering collaboration and problem-solving.
  • Shared Stories: Encourage participants to share personal stories or experiences relevant to the group's goals or theme.
  • Team Challenges: Plan collaborative tasks or mini-games that require teamwork and communication to complete.

For Training and Information Sharing

  • Interactive Quizzes and Polls: Use online tools to engage participants with questions and polls, promoting active learning and feedback.
  • Case Studies and Simulations: Present real-world scenarios for group analysis and decision-making, applying learned information.
  • Collaborative Note-Taking: Use shared documents or platforms for collective note-taking, ensuring everyone captures key points.
  • Fishbowl Discussions: Divide participants into inner and outer circles, allowing inner members to discuss while outer members observe and later contribute.

Group Communication Skills

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Group Communication Skills with just the bolded part of the bullet points below and corresponding icons

Communicating takes a skillset that can be developed and nurtured—and this is true whether you’re communicating with customers or employees.

Here are some general skills you’ll want to foster within yourself and others to help make your marketing and your efficiency as effective as possible…

  • Clarity and Conciseness: Make sure you’re coming across clearly, the way you intend to come across. If you beat around the bush you may communicate a confusing message.
  • Active Listening: Pay close attention not just to words, but also to potential non-verbal cues and underlying emotions that may be associated… But also, don’t overanalyze.
  • Confidence: Express your thoughts and opinions confidently while respecting the views of others and understanding that in many situations, you could be wrong. Avoid passive-aggressive or dominating behavior.
  • Questioning: In many situations, ask open-ended questions to encourage discussion, clarify understanding, and explore different perspectives.
  • Empathy: Understand and acknowledge the feelings, needs, and viewpoints of others. Try to put yourself in the shoes of the people with whom you’re communicating.
  • Emotional Intelligence: Manage your own emotions effectively and be mindful of how your behavior and your communication impacts others.

All of this is not to say that you should avoid conflict or shy away from difficult conversations that need to be had. But always be aware and conscious of the impact of your words.

Reframing the Communication Stereotypes

Communication has always been a potential issue.

And the potential for communication becoming an issue could be exacerbated by certain stereotypes.

Here are some communication stereotypes to watch out for when you’re communicating with groups of people…

Myth: Email Is the Best Way to Communicate with Large Numbers of People

As mentioned above, email is a very useful tool for communication. It allows people to communicate asynchronously on their own time and leaves a paper trail so people can refer back to what was said.

But people sometimes miss emails, forget to respond, or lose track of all their different email threads.

For many situations, you can consider alternatives such as SMS or Slack.

Myth: There Are Specific Rules of Communication That Always Apply

Humans aren’t robots.

Which means we don’t always follow the “rules.” And the same is true for communication.

You have to recognize that not everyone thinks the same and not everyone follows the same communication processes. So be aware of and empathetic to the reality of differing personalities.

Myth: In-Person Communication Is the Most Productive

While face-to-face interaction offers undeniable benefits, it is not always necessary, convenient, or feasible.

Often you can save time by communicating via digital means—which has the added benefit of leaving a paper trail for easier reference.

Take 1 Small Step to Improve Group Communication Now

We all can improve in our communication skills and tactics.

One way to improve in group communication is to make better use of some of the simplest channels available to you, such as SMS.

Try a free SMS platform trial today to get a feel for how you can improve group communication via texting.

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Start sending mass text messages to your entire list today!
