Bulk SMS Service: Try for Free (+ Examples) [2024]

August 29, 2024 (Updated) | By Sam Pelton
Cartoon representation of a large number of people receiving a large number of text messages

How do you reach large numbers of customers, employees, group members, or other audiences when emails are ignored and social media posts go unseen?

One answer: bulk SMS.

Because one thing is true of our current age—we love our phones.

85% of Americans own a smartphone and a whopping 97% of Americans own a cell phone of any kind. People spend on average 4.5 hours per day on their phones (not taking into account time spent actually speaking with others via phone). According to a survey from Reviews.org on cell phone usage, 89% of Americans check their phones within 10 minutes of waking up, 75% check messages within 5 minutes of receiving them, 75% use their phones while on the toilet, and 60% sleep with their phone at night.

What better way to reach someone than with a notification they see directly on that phone to which they’re so attached?

So how can you send bulk SMS? What service should you use? (Hint: you should use Mobile Text Alerts. 😉) And how does bulk SMS work?

This article will dig into those questions for you so that you can take full advantage of bulk SMS for your own situation.

You can take the first step to exploring bulk SMS today with a free MTA trial account now.

What Is Bulk SMS?

SMS” stands for “short messaging service,” which is another way of referring to text messages.

Although “SMS” technically refers to text-only messages (not picture messages or multimedia messaging/MMS), the term can sometimes be used for the concept of text messaging as a whole, particularly in a business environment.

“Bulk SMS,” then, refers to sending multiple SMS at once. Bulk SMS is typically done as a way to promote some kind of product, service, or event, or as a way to notify a large number of people of important pertinent information.

Unlike traditional one-on-one text messaging, which involves sending individual messages to each recipient, bulk SMS streamlines the process by allowing businesses, organizations, and individuals to send a single message to multiple recipients at once. This makes it an invaluable tool for disseminating time-sensitive information, promotions, alerts, updates, and other relevant content efficiently.

How to Send Bulk SMS

Launching a successful bulk SMS campaign involves careful planning, strategic execution, and a focus on delivering valuable content to your audience. Let's walk through the steps to effectively engaging your recipients by sending bulk SMS.

1. Determine Objectives

Before hitting the send button, define your campaign's objectives, target audience, and key message. Consider the following:

  • Goals: Determine what you aim to achieve with your campaign. Are you promoting a new product, offering a discount, or sharing important updates?

  • Target Audience: Identify the recipients who will benefit most from your message. Segment your audience based on demographics, behaviors, or previous interactions to ensure relevance.

  • Message: Create a concise and compelling message that aligns with your campaign's goals. Your message should engage by providing clear value to recipients.

2. Choose a Bulk SMS Platform

Select a reputable bulk SMS service provider that aligns with your campaign's needs. Look for features such as:

  • User-Friendly Interface: A platform that’s easy to navigate and use, even for those with minimal technical expertise.

  • Delivery Speed and Rate: Ensure high delivery rates and fast delivery times to reach your recipients promptly.

  • Scalability: Choose a platform that can handle the growth of your campaigns as your audience expands.

  • Analytics and Reporting: Access to data on delivery rates, open rates, and click-through rates helps you measure the success of your campaigns.

Mobile Text Alerts offers the features and user-friendliness that you need to get started.

3. Build Your Contact List

Your contact list is the foundation of your campaign's success. It's important to have an opted-in, permission-based list to avoid being labeled as spam. Consider the following:

  • Opt-In Process: Obtain consent from recipients before adding them to your contact list. This can be done through sign-up forms, website pop-ups, or keyword-based opt-ins.

  • Segmentation: Organize your contact list into segments based on relevant criteria such as location, interests, or purchase history. This allows for more targeted messaging.

4. Compose Your SMS

Once you have your goals, message, and contact list ready, it's time to create your SMS content:

  • Message Length: Keep your message concise if you can, usually within 160 characters, if you want to save money by ensuring the message is sent as a single text (otherwise you might be charged for more messages).

  • Clear CTA: Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) that guides recipients on what to do next, whether it's clicking a link, making a purchase, or visiting your store.

  • Personalization: If your bulk SMS platform allows, personalize the message with recipient names or other relevant details.

5. Schedule and Send

Choose the optimal date and time for sending your bulk SMS:

  • Timing: Send messages during times when your audience is most likely to be receptive, avoiding late nights and early mornings.

  • Frequency: Avoid overwhelming recipients by spacing out your messages. Respect their preferences and avoid sending too frequently.

Here’s how it works to send within the Mobile Text Alerts online platform:

  1. Log in to the web platform or mobile app.

  2. Type out your message.

  3. Select the date/time you’d like your message to be sent or to be put on a text repeater. OR set up an automated drip texting campaign or create automated replies.

6. Review and Test

Before sending to your entire list, conduct a review and test phase:

  • Proofreading: Double-check your message for errors in grammar, spelling, and formatting.

  • Test Send: Send a test SMS to yourself or a colleague to ensure it appears as intended on different devices.

How Bulk SMS Works

So how does sending bulk SMS actually work?

Bulk SMS uses SMS gateways to deliver mass text messages to your recipients’ phones individually, as if each recipient was the only one receiving the message

There are two primary options through which you can send your bulk SMS.

Sending via Platform

You can load contacts into an online platform (no coding required), through which you can manage and organize your lists.

Then you can schedule or send out as many bulk SMS as needed by typing out the messages online and designating the recipients.

Each message can include personalized information (such as first name), and you’re able to monitor replies and respond back there within the platform.

Sending via API

If you have developer manpower and prefer to customize and automate your own processes, you can use an SMS API to send out bulk SMS programmatically.

If you use an API, you would manage and organize your subscribers via that API and send or schedule the messages whenever you were ready for them to go out.

Message Delivery & Analytics

Once your message is submitted, it will be delivered to your intended recipients.

You’re able to track and monitor data, such as delivery status, for your messages either within the online dashboard or via the SMS API.

Get a Free 14-Day Trial with Mobile Text Alerts

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"How to Send Bulk SMS” with bullet headings 1–6 in the “how to send” section above and corresponding icons or geometric elements

Bulk SMS Strategies and Best Practices

So what are the best ways to go about your texting efforts?

Here are some strategies and best practices we’ve seen…

For List Building

  • Load in your existing lists

  • Take advantage of multiple opt-in methods, including text-to-join keywords and SMS opt-in forms

  • Connect with your other software or existing sites so that you can automatically add contacts to your SMS database

  • As with any other marketing lists, use valuable incentives to help convince people to sign up to receive your texts:

    • Free items

    • Discounts

    • Raffle entries for a grand prize

    • Contests

  • Use your other marketing channels (email, social media, physical materials) to promote your SMS list

For SMS Campaigns

  • Find the right timing—don’t send too often (2–4 times per month may be all your audience can handle)

  • Send messages triggered by certain actions your subscribers take—the obvious example would be things like abandoned cart notices

  • Send content that’s really valuable—don’t just be promoting yourself all the time

  • Follow compliance guidelines—you’ll see the best delivery results if you make sure to…

    • Pre-register your brand

    • Only send to people who have opted in

    • Make sure people know how to opt out

    • Refrain from sending objectionable content

  • Send relevant messages based on personalized segments—whether those segments are created based on your subscribers’ activity, preferences, demographics, or anything else

What Are Bulk SMS Benefits?

There are several benefits to using bulk SMS marketing, and for finding the right platform/API for doing it.

Here are just a few…

1. Instant and Direct Communication

With bulk SMS, your messages reach recipients' mobile devices almost instantly.

Unlike email or other forms of communication that might go unnoticed for hours or even days, SMS commands immediate attention. So it’s an ideal channel for urgent notices (such as flash sales).

2. High Open and Engagement Rates

Text messages enjoy a remarkable view rate of up to 100% and read rate of 55%.

This high open rate translates to increased engagement and a greater chance of your message being acted upon—whether that action is a link click, a response, an in-store visit, or anything in between.

3. Cost-Effective Marketing

Compared to traditional marketing channels like print advertising or direct mail, bulk SMS offers an economical alternative.

No printing costs, no postage fees, no advertising space expenses. With the ability to target a wide audience, why not use bulk SMS to maximize your marketing budget?

4. Personalized Communication

Bulk SMS allows for a level of personalization that resonates with recipients.

By addressing individuals by their names and communicating with them in such a personal medium, you can create a personal touch. And this personal touch could enhance customer loyalty and encourage recipients to view your brand as attentive and considerate.

(Just make sure you actually are attentive and considerate!)

5. Time-Sensitive Promotions and Alerts

For promotions, deals, or limited-time offers, bulk SMS is unbeatable.

For example, you can create a sense of urgency by communicating via text message that an offer expires soon. Or you can communicate any urgent alerts or updates—such as order confirmations, appointment reminders, or service disruptions.

That way, everyone can get in the know quickly!

6. Optimal Reach

Bulk SMS reaches a wide audience, including people who might not have constant access to the internet or email—because nearly everyone has a phone and can receive texts.

So SMS is an effective way to connect with diverse demographics (which means your message is accessible to a broad range of potential customers).

7. Two-Way Communication

Unlike many other forms of marketing, bulk SMS opens up the possibility for two-way communication (even more than mass email).

Recipients can reply to your messages and you can manage their replies via the online inbox. You can use this kind of direct interaction between you and your customers for customer support, feedback collection, and even conducting surveys.

What Does a Bulk SMS Service Offer?

Why use a bulk SMS service like Mobile Text Alerts?

Here are just a few of the benefits you’ll get.

Flexible Ways to Send—Platform, Mobile App, API

Want an out-of-the-box platform?

Or a mobile app experience?

Or maybe you have development resources and would prefer to program your own messaging efforts via API.

The good news is that you can do any and all of that with Mobile Text Alerts.

Automated Messages

Use SMS software to set up a series of automated messages, or to set up auto-reply messages when people text in to your virtual phone number.

Reports, Analytics, Tracking

Using online reporting you can get a better grasp on your message delivery, engagement rates, and click rates on your message links.

Opt-In and Opt-Out Management

No need to manage all your opt-in’s and opt-out’s on your own—instead, you can let the system do it for you.

Two-Way Inbox

A digital inbox allows you the convenience of viewing and managing all of your texting conversations in one place.

How Much Does Bulk SMS Cost?

Bulk SMS can cost as little as $20/month through Mobile Text Alerts.

In general, there are a few different factors that contribute to determining the cost of bulk SMS…

  1. Message volume: most SMS services charge you based on how many messages you want to send (note that every recipient for your message counts as at least 1 message each)—you’ll also likely get a discounted per-message rate if you commit to higher messaging volumes
  2. Domestic vs. international: if you’re sending messages within the US, your costs will likely be considerably less expensive than if you’re sending messages outside of the US
  3. Message length: longer messages (over 160 characters) actually use up more messaging credits and therefore will cost more to send

The actual costs may vary per provider. But as an example, with Mobile Text Alerts there are plans that allow you to send 500 messages per month for $20/month (billed annually), all the way up to 50,000 messages per month for $1,074/month. (Beyond that, you can do custom high-volume pricing.)

How to Build a Bulk SMS Application

If you don’t want to use an existing SMS platform to send bulk SMS or offer bulk SMS services, you can build your own.

To get started, you just need to:

  • Access an SMS gateway using an SMS API provider such as Mobile Text Alerts
  • Follow the API documentation to implement the features you need

Of course, if you’re building an entire app, you’ll also need to determine how you want to store your own internal database and how you want to present your app to users. Then you’ll need to publish and promote your app.

Examples of How Companies Use Bulk SMS

How could different types of companies use bulk SMS?

Here are some examples…

Coaching / Influencers

  • Webinar Announcements: Coaches and influencers can use bulk SMS to notify their subscribers about upcoming workshops, seminars, or training sessions.

  • Exclusive Content: Send SMS with links to exclusive content, blog posts, or videos to keep subscribers engaged and informed.

Hey there! Don't miss our upcoming workshop on 'Unlocking Your Business’s Full Potential.' Limited spots available. Register now: [Registration Link]


  • Invitations: Promote webinars by sending SMS invitations to your contact list, providing details and registration links.

  • Reminders: Send SMS reminders a day before and an hour before the webinar to increase attendance rates.

  • Follow-Up: After the webinar, send SMS messages with recording links, additional resources, and a thank-you note.

📣Live in 5 to chat about “What You Need to Know About Digital Marketing Trends for 2024!” Join here: [Webinar Link]


  • Flash Sales: Notify customers about flash sales, limited-time discounts, and special offers.

  • New Arrivals: Alert customers about new product arrivals and encourage them to explore your store.

  • Customer Loyalty: Send SMS messages to loyalty program members with points updates, rewards, and exclusive deals.

Flash Sale Alert! Enjoy 30% off on all items today only. Visit us in-store or shop online: [Store Link]


  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: Remind customers about items left in their cart and offer incentives to complete the purchase.

  • Product Recommendations: Use SMS to suggest products based on customers' browsing history and past purchases.

  • Order Updates: Keep customers informed about order processing, shipping, and delivery status.

Your shopping cart misses you! Complete your purchase and get 15% off. Shop now: [Cart Link]


  • Emergency Alerts: Use bulk SMS to send emergency alerts, weather warnings, and other important announcements to staff or community members.

  • Notices & Engagement: Notify people about meetings and events.

Reminder! Staff meeting today at 12pm. Lunch provided.


  • Fundraising Campaigns: Promote fundraising campaigns by sending SMS messages with donation links and impact stories.

  • Event Reminders: Help boost attendance by sending out reminders about events.

  • Thank-You Messages: Express gratitude to donors and volunteers through personalized SMS messages.

🤝 Thank you for supporting our cause! Your donation of $50 helps us make a difference. Learn more: [Impact Link]


  • Appointment Reminders: Send SMS reminders for appointments.

  • Prescription Reminders: Remind patients to take medication on time and refill prescriptions.

  • Health Tips: Share helpful health tips..

🏥 Appointment Reminder: Your next check-up is scheduled for [Date] at [Time]. See you at [Clinic Name]!


  • Special Offers: Announce daily specials, discounts, and happy hour deals.

  • Reservation Confirmations: Confirm restaurant reservations.

  • Feedback Requests: After dining, send SMS messages inviting customers to provide feedback and reviews.

🍔 Hungry for a delicious meal? Join us tonight for dinner and enjoy a free dessert on the house!


  • Announcements: Notify students about schedule changes and assignment due dates.

  • Parent Communication: Keep parents informed about school events, parent-teacher meetings, and other school news.

  • Admission Updates: Send admission-related information, such as deadlines and interview schedules, to prospective students.

Attention Parents: Parent-Teacher Meetings on [Date]. Sign up for your slot: [Registration Link].

Real Estate

  • Property Listings: Send links to new property listings, including virtual tours and open house details.

  • Open House Invitations: Invite potential buyers to open house events.

  • Price Reduction Alerts: Notify subscribers about price reductions or special deals on properties.

🏡 New Listing Alert: Check out our latest property in [Location]. Virtual tour: [Virtual Tour Link].

Financial Services

  • Transaction Alerts: Send SMS notifications for account transactions, ATM withdrawals, and balance updates.

  • Payment Reminders: Remind customers about payment due dates.

  • Fraud Alerts: Alert customers about suspicious activities on their accounts and provide steps for resolution.

Transaction Alert: Your account was charged $50 for [Transaction Description]. Questions? Call [Customer Support Number].


  • Class Reminders: Notify gym members about fitness class schedules and cancellations.

  • Workout Tips: Share workout routines, nutrition tips, and motivational messages.

  • Membership Renewals: Remind members about membership renewals and benefits.

🏋️‍♀️ Ready for a workout? Join morning weightlifting training at [Gym Name]. View more info here: [Link]

Event Management

  • Event Invitations: Send personalized SMS invitations with event details and RSVP options.

  • Countdown Reminders: Build anticipation by sending countdown reminders as the event date approaches.

  • Post-Event Surveys: Gather feedback from attendees by sending SMS surveys after the event to improve future events.

🎉 Just [X] days left until our Grand Opening Event! We can't wait to celebrate with you. See you on [Event Date]!


Here are some final answers to questions about bulk SMS.

Can I Send Bulk SMS Free?

While there may be free options out there, we do not recommend moving forward with a free option.

Free options are free for a reason—they will have limitations, such as a poor UX or little support, that may hinder what you’re trying to accomplish.

How to Send a Bulk SMS on Phone

You can send bulk SMS via a phone either by sending a group text, or by designating settings in your phone that delivers group messages individually to each recipient’s phone.

However, these bulk SMS methods have limitations on how many messages you can send at once.

How to Send Bulk SMS on WhatsApp

WhatsApp doesn’t technically have a “bulk SMS” feature, but you can send mass WhatsApp messages by submitting a group message or by using the “Broadcast” function.

The “Broadcast” function will deliver your group message to each recipient individually.

Try Bulk SMS for Free with Mobile Text Alerts

There ya have it! All the in's and out's of bulk SMS. Want to give Mobile Text Alerts a try for yourself?

Get 50 messages to try SMS for free with Mobile Text Alerts today.

Get a Free 14-Day Trial Account

Start sending mass text messages to your entire list today!
