For Bethany, an independent sales consultant with a jewelry business, the value of SMS is simple:
Text your customers and you’ll make more sales.
Why? Because everyone reads their texts. Social media messages, in contrast, probably will never reach your audience—and even if they do, your audience may or may not open the message and read them.
Bethany puts it this way:
“We cannot rely on Facebook or other social media platforms to notify our customers when we have a sale.
With Mobile Text Alerts, Bethany can send a mass text to all her boutique customers before she goes live. Her customers can open the text, click on the link, and join her live sale immediately. As a result, Bethany sees 50% more viewers attend her live sales.
More attendance means more sales!
She also uses texting to engage her customers regarding:
One of Bethany’s favorite parts of working with Mobile Text Alerts is the mobile app, which means she can do all of this from her phone while she’s on the go or preparing to go live.
Overall, Bethany says that you're "missing out on sales" if you don't send text alerts: > If you are considering Mobile Text Alerts, what I would tell you is if you don’t do it, you are missing out on sales.
Start sending mass text alerts to your entire list today!