Best SMS Marketing for Gyms

SMS marketing for gyms is one of the easiest ways to get members to GET ACTIVE in your gym - and stick around. Discover how...

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"The Only Platform That Has Never Let Me Down in Any Way"

"Texting has increased my sales and gives me a way to stay in touch with customers.

"Easy to Use Service with THE BEST Customer Support"

"Easy to use service with THE BEST customer support ... The website is straightforward, and I like that you can see the text on the sample phone before it goes out, and you can send a sample text to yourself.

How gyms can use Mobile Text Alerts to keep members engaged (and coming back!)...

  • Share gym announcements to help members know all the services available to them... so that they can get more engaged
  • Remind members of holiday hours, promotions, or other special updates to help keep them informed (again, so that they can get more engaged)
  • Remind members when they have their personal training session or class to help boost attendance
  • Send motivational messages to boost morale and sense of community to help members feel more connected

Keep members engaged, decrease cancellations, and get more business with SMS marketing for your gym!

Get a FREE trial. Send 50 free messages! (No credit card required.)
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