5 Best Ways to Promote Workplace Engagement via Texting

March 27, 2024 | By Sam Pelton
People working and texting


You can use SMS to improve workplace engagement by sending texts for (1) employee recognition, (2) company announcements, (3) onboarding and training notices, (4) meeting and event reminders, and (5) messages that facilitate event participation.


Workplace engagement is important.

It leads to a healthier work environment, better retention, and better productivity.

But how do you get employees to interact with the company in meaningful ways? How can you help foster an environment in which employees are committed to the company and truly seek the best for the good of everyone involved?

One solution that can help is SMS.

Here are some of the best ways to promote workplace engagement via SMS…


Personalized messages for achievements, birthdays, and work anniversaries are a kind way to show employees that you recognize their work and their contribution to the business.

Congrats to Terrie on her 5 year anniversary! We appreciate you and all the work you do each and every day to help make this company thrive!


When you make announcements via email or office memo, they can get lost in the shuffle. SMS announcements, on the other hand, will rarely go unread.

Office dress code policy announcement: Casual Fridays are back! On Fridays, you may now wear jeans, but please still wear a collared shirt.

Onboarding & Training

One way to help employees feel connected to the business is to make sure they are properly onboarded and have the right ongoing training.

You only have 1 more training video left! Take 10 minutes to check it out here by the end of the day and you’ll be good to go: [link]

Meeting & Event Reminders

How can you get better attendance to your company events and meetings? One way is to send reminders—but your email reminders may be ignored if sent by themselves. Send a corresponding text message and you’ll see a lot better success.

Reminder! October 31st will be Costume Day—come to work dressed in your best costume. It’s not required but there will be prizes for Best Single Costume, Best Group Costume, and Most In-Character.

Event Participation

Your business may host a lot of engagement events, and yet next to no one participates. One problem could be that you’re hosting events that don’t appeal to the people in your workplace or are trying to force relationships among people who are happy to quietly mingle while working on something productive. But another issue could be simply making it as easy as possible to participate—through SMS.

Voting has begun! Which candidate for 'Best Slack Profile Picture' will you vote for? Reply 1 for Stephanie, 2 for Allie, 3 for Mark, 4 for Alexia, or 5 for Viktor

How Can You Use SMS to Promote Workplace Engagement?

Those are just a few of the ways you can use texting to promote engagement in your workplace.

Although not all of these methods will work for every business, the bottom line is that there is likely some way you could implement SMS for your business to help promote engagement.

Just don’t overdo it!

You can evaluate your own workplace dynamics and determine what texting methods you may want to incorporate.

Get a free SMS platform trial now to see for yourself how it would work.

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