Register Your Texting Number

September 22, 2022 | By Sam Pelton
Business woman texting

Do you use a mass texting service?

If so, in order to be the most effective in your messaging efforts, you should consider registering your texting account’s phone number with the wireless carriers.

Don’t worry - this isn’t a hard or scary thing.

All it requires is taking a minute or 2 to fill out a quick form. (Contact support if you'd like to request a form.)

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But in case you have questions, we’ll go over a little about why this is something you need to do, and how to do it.

Why Register My Number?

Companies and other brands used to be able to send mass texts just fine without any pre-approval or pre-registration.

In order to promote best practices and reduce the amount of fraudulent and spam text messages, wireless carriers are now cracking down on unregistered messaging traffic.

Right now, that just means that they examine your messages with higher scrutiny, and there’s a greater chance that your messages will be filtered out as “spam” and not delivered.

Pre-registering your sending number ahead of time helps cut back on the amount of potential filtering from the wireless carriers - which means you'll have a better chance of getting good delivery rates for your messages.

Also, another reason to register your texting account’s phone number is that it gives you a higher messaging throughput.

This means you can send out messages at faster speeds with fewer delays, particularly if you have large numbers of recipients.

(And it's possible that at some point the majority of mass texting traffic will be required to be pre-registered, so this is something you may need to eventually do anyway.)

Who Can Register a Number?

You can register your sending number if you meet all the following conditions:

  • You send less than 2,000 messages daily
  • You send less than 12,000 messages weekly
  • You send less than 25,000 messages monthly
  • You only send messages within the United States

How to Register My Number?

To register your phone number for pre-approval with the carriers, simply contact support and request a phone number registration form.

The form will just ask you some basic questions about your company, and is free (unless you’re making changes to your account’s number or are purchasing new numbers).

Register My Number Today

To sum up, you should register your texting number today, because…

  • It will give you the best possible delivery rates
  • It will give you higher throughput (messaging speed)
  • It may soon be required by wireless carriers

Ready to register your number? Contact support to request a form here.

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