Multichannel Marketing for Your Business: What to Know 2023

August 25, 2023 | By Eliza Medley from WhenIPost (Guest Post)
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Analyzing the path to the implementation of the targeted action of modern customers, there’s one interesting pattern that’s characteristic of many cases. It’s the fact that users utilize several different channels in the process. For example, they may first go to a site for paid ads, then find a company profile on social networks, then visit the site again, and finally take action.

Sometimes this path can be shorter and in some cases, it can have an even more complicated pattern. It all depends on the user's stage of awareness and the persuasiveness of advertising campaigns. However, in any case, multichannel is important - the presence of the brand on different platforms.

Here we’ll discuss why this multichannel approach is important and how to implement it.

What Is the Essence of Multichannel Marketing?

The concept of multichannel marketing covers all platforms, directions, and channels through which advertising campaigns are implemented. However, it has several differences from the traditional marketing approach. If, under normal conditions, a separate strategy and list of tools are developed for each channel, multichannel marketing involves establishing a relationship between them.

That is, marketers immediately develop a comprehensive approach that provides for the possibility of a convenient transition between platforms and the construction of advertising according to the principle of logical continuation. This direction isn’t necessarily something new. Most marketers not only understand many of the intricacies of the process but also know how to at least partly apply it in practice. According to INVESP, 95% of surveyed experts in this field confirm the importance of implementing multichannel marketing for business.

What Channels Can Be Used to Set Up Multichannel Marketing?

The multichannel marketing approach, first of all, involves providing the user with ample opportunities for choice. Each of them can independently decide where they should carry out the targeted action. This greatly increases the chances of increased engagement, because freedom of action is something that most modern consumers value. In addition, advertising campaigns can now be configured through dozens of different channels. When implementing multichannel marketing, here are some of the options you can use:

  • SMS: SMS is a channel with a lot of untapped potential. If you choose the right content, text messages can become a highly effective advertising method.
  • E-mail: Another effective component of a multichannel strategy is email. This channel is perfectly combined with advertising campaigns in other channels. For example, after opening an e-mail, you can additionally send an SMS message to the addressee.
  • Social Media: These platforms can also be used for multichannel marketing. They allow you to see the mood of the target audience, their relationship to the brand, and their needs. The information can be used to tune other channels.
  • Banners: The specialty of multichannel marketing is that it covers not only digital methods but also conventional advertising. A vivid example can be the use of banners and ordinary physical advertisements. They can be combined with social networks and directly on the company's website by posting relevant information.
  • Paid ads and sponsored ads: This is about placing commercials on various platforms and video players. In addition, you can pay for advertising from influential bloggers and industry experts.

This list is not exhaustive. Marketers can use other channels for multichannel marketing. For example, podcasts or push notifications, which also have high-performance indicators.

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Source: Robert Katai

How to Create an Effective Marketing Strategy Based on Multichannel Marketing?

To build a truly effective marketing strategy, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of each company. It’s about the specifics of the strategy, the scope, the level of coverage, business goals, and other important factors. However, in any case, the process should include several basic steps.

Combining the Efforts of Marketers and Finding Points of Contact

It is necessary to start the development of a multichannel marketing strategy with the formation of a solid foundation. It is worth involving in the process all specialists who work on the development of advertising campaigns. It is not only about online events but also about traditional methods (banners, leaflets, etc.). Experts should be entrusted with the task of finding common ground between different campaigns.

Defining the Needs of the Target Audience

Another important stage is the formation of a profile of a potential client. In this case, it’s essential to analyze different platforms to have a more accurate understanding of the needs and expectations of the target audience. Based on the received data, it’s easier to choose the most effective channels and find points where they can be combined. You can also ask for target audience audits from proven agencies.

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Formation of Multi-Channel Interaction

After the analysis of the target audience has been carried out and discussions have been held with the team, you can proceed to the development of an action plan. It should provide a description of the activities, the types of advertising channels that will be used in the process, as well as ways to combine them.

An important aspect in this case is to provide a personalized approach. When creating ad campaigns, don't use the same message for all platforms. To achieve the desired results, you need to think of unique ads for each channel.

What Are the Benefits of Implementing Multichannel Marketing?

The process of building an effective strategy requires considerable effort and time. That’s why a key aspect for business owners is the return on the implementation of the method. In this case, it is significant. The use of multichannel marketing provides the following benefits:

  • Competitive advantage
  • Full understanding of the target audience
  • Increasing coverage
  • Increase sales
  • The ability to use all possible solutions to attract the attention of potential customers

In addition, multichannel marketing provides flexibility. It manifests itself in wider opportunities for improving lead generation methods and advertising campaigns.


Multichannel marketing is an effective approach that not only helps to increase engagement but allows you to take a serious step forward in active competition. Achieving this goal is possible thanks to reaching the maximum number of effective advertising channels and obtaining an advanced understanding of the requests of potential customers.

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