Why You Should Care About Brand Voice in Your SMS [2024]

April 23, 2024 | By Sam Pelton
2 men looking at their phones - 1 bored man and 1 excited man


Consider brand voice when you send your SMS campaigns, so that your SMS copy can better stand out.

It may be tempting…

Tempting to just push out an SMS message without much thought to the brand voice behind it.

(And if I’m honest, I personally don’t think about brand voice enough in general.)

After all, an SMS is just a brief message anyway—or at least, it (usually) should be.

How much brand voice can you really inject?

Here we’ll briefly go over a contrast of what SMS looks like with brand voice considered vs. what it looks like with brand voice not considered.

Setting the Stage

Let’s say you’re a marketer for a women’s clothing brand.

Your brand tone is very casual—you want to sound like someone that your audience would want to be friends with. Someone they might go to coffee with or go to church with.

So your voice takes on the persona of a woman around the same age as your target audience (30-something) who’s having a conversation with one of her friends.

With that in mind, please consider the following…

SMS That Consider Brand Voice

Under the aforementioned persona of a 30-something woman chatting with her peers, here are some examples of SMS that a clothing brand might send with that brand voice in mind…

🎉 Just dropped some seriously cute dresses that are perfect for brunch with the girls. Check 'em out: [link]

Hey girl! Just a friendly reminder that our sale ends tonight! Don't miss out on amazing deals on your favorite styles: [link]

Brand new styles are now here! ❤️ I’m. dying. these. are. adorable… [link]

SMS That Don’t Consider Brand Voice

To contrast, here are some SMS that say essentially the same message as the examples above, but without thinking about brand voice.

(Now, of course, these are exaggerated—but hopefully they get the point across.)

New dresses now available. Click here: [link]

Sale ends tonight. Don’t miss out on deals for your favorite styles: [link]

Click here for new styles: [link]

The Difference

Do you see the difference between the two approaches above?

Even though they’re just text messages, the “brand voice” gives the first examples much more color and personality.

While the other examples still get the point across, they don’t stand out and therefore are more easily ignorable.

In other words, the lack of brand voice makes your text messages more likely to get lost in the sea of “blah.”

What Is Your Brand Voice?

With all of this in mind, there are a couple of questions you can ask yourself…

  1. What is my intended brand voice?
  2. How can I inject my brand voice into my SMS efforts?

If you’re not sure how you want to “sound,” why not experiment and try some different things? See what resonates with your intended audience.

One of the worst things you can do as a brand is to sound like everyone else.

Because if you sound like everyone, then you sound like no one.

And no one wants to sound like no one.


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