Word Counter & Character Counter

100% free online character counter & word counter


What Is the MTA Word Counter & Character Counter?

This free online tool helps you quickly determine how many words and characters your content has.

A word counter and character counter too helps you make sure you stay within word or character limit restrictions for whatever content you’re trying to put out (such as the 160 character limit for SMS) – as well as meet word or character count goals.

This can be helpful whether you’re creating marketing content, doing a school assignment, or are just curious about the word and character counts of your own personal writing projects.

To use the counter, just type or copy and paste your content into the text box above and your word and character count will be automatically displayed. Here are some common word count and character count goals depending on the type of content you’re creating:

PlatformCharacter CountWord Count
Facebook - Organic80-
Facebook - Sponsored-19
X - (formerly Twitter)100-
Instagram - Organic150-
Instagram - Sponsored125-
Page Titles60-
Page Meta Descriptions160-

How to Find the Word and Character Counter in Your Word Processor

If you use Word or Google Docs, you already have access to a built-in character counter. Here’s how to find it.

Word Counter: Word

To find the word counter in Word, simply look at your status bar on the bottom left-hand corner of your screen:

Microsoft Word - Word Counter (Image sourced from Microsoft)

It will count the number of words highlighted, or will count the entire number of words in the document if no specific text is highlighted.

Click the word count there in the status bar to view your character count, paragraph count, and other information.

Word Counter: Google Doc

To find the word counter in a Google Doc, select Tools→Word Count:

GoogleDocs Word Counter

This will tell you the character count and word count of the text highlighted, or of the whole document if no specific text is highlighted.
