No-shows to appointments are a big problem for many businesses. After all, how can you make money if people don’t actually show up to their appointments? There’s one solution that can make a big impact in reducing your no-show rate… SMS.
Here's how a simple text message can go a long way…
When people don't show up to their appointments, it hurts your bottom line. No-shows mean wasted time and missed opportunities.
So how can you get people to actually show up? SMS.
We're not talking about sending manual texts which is difficult, tedious, and most definitely not scalable. We're talking about an SMS system that allows you to schedule and automate confirmations and reminders in advance.
Because 97% of American adults own a cell phone. And 55% of text messages are read and up to 100% of text messages are at least "viewed."
So it makes sense that sending text reminders can go a long way toward reducing that dreaded no-show rate for appointments. In fact, one study of outpatient appointments found the show-up rate to be over double when using SMS reminders compared to the control group.
Since almost everyone has a cell phone and almost everyone at least sees all of their text messages, sending reminder texts becomes a simple yet profound way to reduce the show-up rates you're seeing in your own business.
How handy (no pun intended) is it to not only get the reminder that helps make sure you remember to attend the appointment—but also to have all the details of your appointment easily accessible from the palm of your hand?
American consumers often lead hectic lives with lots and lots going on.
There's work and appointments and kids' activities and community events and date nights and work trips and everything else in between!
Many of us rely on reminders and calendar events to make sure we don't forget anything. So how convenient when a business takes it upon themselves to send a reminder to me!
Another way that text message reminders have the potential to help prevent no-shows is that the act of reminding could prompt a person to easily reschedule or cancel if needed.
For example, they receive a text that tells them about their appointment tomorrow at 3:30pm and then they think, "Oh, wait, I forgot I was meeting Jenny for lunch…"
And if your text message contains instructions for how to reschedule, this could make it very easy for your recipients to reschedule or cancel with enough time for you to refill their slot—rather than them simply not showing up altogether.
So now that we've gone over some of the ways that SMS appointment reminders help reduce no-shows, let's go over some specific examples of what appointment reminder texts can look like.
Hi [Customer Name], this is a reminder for your appointment with [Business Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply ‘C’ to confirm or ‘R’ to reschedule. See you soon!
Hello [Customer Name], we’re excited to see you on [Date] at [Time] for your appointment with [Business Name]. Let us know if you need to make any changes!
Hi [Customer Name], just a friendly reminder of your appointment tomorrow at [Time] with [Business Name]. Please let us know if you need to reschedule.
Hello [Customer Name], you have an appointment with [Business Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply ‘YES’ to confirm or call [Phone Number] if you need to reschedule.
Hi [Customer Name], this is a reminder for your [Service] appointment with [Provider Name] at [Time] on [Date]. Please reply 'Confirm' or 'Reschedule' if needed!
Hi [Customer Name], just reminding you of your upcoming appointment with [Business Name] on [Date] at [Time]. No action needed unless you need to reschedule.
Reminder: You have an appointment with [Business Name] on [Date] at [Time]. If you need to reschedule, reply ‘R’ and we’ll assist you!
Good morning [Customer Name]! Just a reminder about your appointment at [Time] today with [Business Name]. We look forward to seeing you!
Hi [Customer Name], a quick reminder that your appointment with [Business Name] is today at [Time]. Please let us know if you need to reschedule.
Hi [Customer Name], we noticed you haven’t confirmed your appointment with [Business Name] for [Date] at [Time]. Please reply ‘Confirm’ to keep your spot or call [Phone Number] to reschedule.
Hi [Customer Name], we’re looking forward to seeing you on [Date] at [Time] for your appointment with [Provider Name] at [Business Name].
Hi [Customer Name], your appointment with [Business Name] is on [Date] at [Time]. This is just a reminder — no reply necessary unless you need to make changes.
Hi [Customer Name], just a heads-up that your appointment with [Business Name] is in 3 days on [Date] at [Time]. Let us know if you need to reschedule.
Hi [Customer Name], just a reminder of your appointment with [Business Name] on [Date] at [Time]. If you need to cancel, reply ‘Cancel’ or call us at [Phone Number].
Hi [Customer Name], this is a reminder for your appointment on [Date] at [Time]. Please note the time zone is [Time Zone]. Let us know if you have any questions!
Hi [Patient Name], this is a reminder of your appointment with Dr. [Doctor Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply ‘C’ to confirm or ‘R’ to reschedule.
Hi [Patient Name], it’s time for your annual check-up with Dr. [Doctor Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply 'Confirm' to confirm or call [Phone Number] if you need to reschedule."
Hello [Patient Name], a reminder of your appointment with Dr. [Specialist Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please confirm your appointment by replying 'YES' or contact us to reschedule.
Hi [Patient Name], just a reminder that you have a dental appointment with Dr. [Dentist Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply ‘C’ to confirm.
Hello [Patient Name], your teeth cleaning with Dr. [Dentist Name] is scheduled for [Date] at [Time]. Please reply ‘Confirm’ or ‘Reschedule’ if needed.
Hi [Patient Name], it’s time for your 6-month dental check-up with Dr. [Dentist Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please confirm your appointment by replying 'YES' or call [Phone Number] to reschedule.
Hi [Patient Name], this is a reminder of your eye exam with Dr. [Optometrist Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Reply ‘Confirm’ to keep your appointment or call us if you need to reschedule.
Hello [Patient Name], your contact lens fitting with Dr. [Optometrist Name] is on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply ‘C’ to confirm or ‘R’ to reschedule.
Hi [Patient Name], just a reminder of your follow-up appointment to check your new glasses with Dr. [Optometrist Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please confirm by replying 'YES'.
Hi [Parent Name], this is a reminder of [Child’s Name] wellness check-up with Dr. [Pediatrician Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply 'C' to confirm or 'R' to reschedule.
Hi [Parent Name], [Child’s Name] has a vaccination appointment on [Date] at [Time] with Dr. [Pediatrician Name]. Please reply ‘Confirm’ or call us if you need to reschedule.
Hi [Patient Name], your chiropractic adjustment with Dr. [Chiropractor Name] is on [Date] at [Time]. Reply 'C' to confirm or 'R' to reschedule.
Hi [Patient Name], this is a reminder for your follow-up adjustment with Dr. [Chiropractor Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please confirm by replying 'YES'.
Hi [Patient Name], just a reminder of your physical therapy session with [Therapist Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply ‘C’ to confirm or ‘R’ to reschedule.
Hi [Patient Name], you have a progress check session with [Therapist Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please confirm by replying 'YES' or call [Phone Number] to reschedule.
Hi [Patient Name], this is a reminder for your appointment with Dr. [Doctor Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please remember to fast for 12 hours before the appointment. Reply ‘C’ to confirm.
Hi [Patient Name], a reminder for your follow-up appointment to review your lab results with Dr. [Doctor Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please confirm by replying 'YES' or call [Phone Number] to reschedule.
Hi [Customer Name], this is a reminder of your appointment at [Salon Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply 'C' to confirm or 'R' to reschedule. We look forward to seeing you!
Hello [Customer Name], a quick reminder of your nail appointment at [Salon Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Reply 'Confirm' to keep your appointment or call [Phone Number] to reschedule.
Hi [Customer Name], your spa day at [Salon Name] is coming up on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply 'YES' to confirm or 'NO' to cancel. Can't wait to pamper you!
Hi [Customer Name], this is a reminder of your haircut appointment with [Stylist Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Reply 'C' to confirm or 'R' to reschedule.
Hi [Customer Name], just a reminder of your hair color appointment with [Stylist Name] at [Salon Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply 'YES' to confirm or call us to make changes.
Hi [Customer Name], this is a reminder for your lash extension appointment with [Technician Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply 'C' to confirm or 'R' to reschedule.
Hi [Customer Name], this is a reminder for your massage appointment with [Massage Therapist Name] at [Spa Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Reply 'YES' to confirm or 'R' to reschedule.
Hi [Customer Name], just a reminder of your follow-up massage therapy session at [Spa Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply 'C' to confirm or call us to reschedule.
Hi [Customer Name], your brow shaping appointment with [Technician Name] is coming up on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply 'YES' to confirm or call [Phone Number] to make changes.
Hello [Customer Name], a reminder of your makeup appointment with [Artist Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Reply 'Confirm' to confirm or 'Reschedule' if needed.
Hi [Customer Name], your waxing appointment at [Salon Name] is on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply 'C' to confirm or 'R' to reschedule.
Hi [Customer Name], this is a reminder for your tattoo appointment with [Artist Name] at [Shop Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Reply 'YES' to confirm or call us if you need to reschedule.
Hello [Customer Name], your piercing appointment with [Name] at [Shop Name] is scheduled for [Date] at [Time]. Please reply 'Confirm' to confirm or 'R' to reschedule.
Hi [Customer Name], just a reminder of your personal training session with [Trainer Name] at [Gym Name] on [Date] at [Time]. Please reply 'YES' to confirm or 'NO' if you need to cancel.
Hi [Customer Name], see you tomorrow for your auto appointment! Click here or call the office if you need pickup or drop-off: [Link]
Hi [Customer Name], congrats on taking your first step toward [Coaching Benefit]! Just a reminder that your first coaching call is scheduled for [Date] at [Time]. Click here if you need to reschedule or cancel: [Link]
Hello [Client Name], this is a reminder about your appointment, [Date] at [Time]. Call [Phone Number] with any questions. Visit our website for information on how to best prepare for your consultation: [Link]
Hi [Client Name], just a reminder about our [Service Provided] today. See you shortly! If you need to reschedule, let us know at [Phone Number].
With appointment reminder texts, you don't have to send messages individually from your own personal phone.
You aren't confined to having to send messages in real time.
You don't need to manually do everything (although you can if you want!).
Instead, you're going to:
Your steps are to:
Once the messages are scheduled or automated, they will be sent at the designated times to the designated recipients.
Your clients will then receive the text message reminder directly as an SMS on their phone.
(They won't need to download any additional apps or make sure to have push notifications turned on.)
If at any time your recipients want to opt out of receiving future appointment reminder texts, they can opt out by replying with the word STOP and their phone number will be automatically removed from your text message database.
If you use Outlook, one way you can connect to SMS platforms is via A better option is to connect directly via Outlook’s API.
Similarly, you can connect Google Calendar to SMS messaging via as well. And again, it’s better to use an SMS API if you have the developer resources.
Lastly, Square also is connectable to SMS platforms through the integration site Zapier. And yet again, using an SMS API to create integrations is the best way to automate.
If you're thinking about sending SMS appointment reminders, there are a few best practices to remember—beyond the basic, obvious communication tips.
1. Don't close off replies
Many businesses are tempted to restrict replies to their text messages, because they're concerned about the bandwidth of monitoring and responding to such replies. But if you can make it work, then try to make it work! It's much better to be able to use SMS to really engage with your customers and clients.
2. Keep time zones in mind
If your business is one that reaches people across time zones, make sure you keep that in mind as you implement your reminder messages. Not being aware of time zones can not only lead to messages being sent at the wrong times, but it can also lead to messages being sent at inappropriate times that actually violate regulations for sending SMS.
3. Don't neglect SMS marketing
As you're going about your appointment reminder efforts, don't neglect to take advantage of specific SMS marketing efforts as well. With SMS marketing, you can actively promote your brand, your products, and your services through a medium that really reaches and engages people.
4. Use enticing copy
Just because your message is an appointment reminder doesn't mean that it has to be lifeless. You can still use copywriting best practices to connect with your recipients in an enticing way and communicate the value of what you're giving them.
5. Make sure people know how to opt out
If people decide that they no longer want to receive reminder messages, they should be aware of an easy way to opt out. They can opt out by replying with the word STOP to any of your text messages, so you can make sure to give people those instructions.
6. Create auto-responses if you can't reply right away
If you're unable to reply to responses right away (or at all), you can create auto-responses that automatically send a text message to anyone who replies to your SMS. This auto-response can give people an immediate notice and could even offer a timeframe in which they can expect a response.