Texting for Manufacturing Companies

Alert All Your Employees in 5 Minutes… with Texting

Bad weather rolling in? Company event coming up? Changes in payroll or benefits? Sudden power outage?

Emails and phone calls ultimately fail in effectively getting these kinds of HR updates out to your employees quickly. But with SMS read rates as high as 98%, an easy-to-use texting platform means more effective communication.

Employees working in a manufacturing facility

Let’s say you need to get an HR notice out to your employees. So you send out an email...

Email’s OK, but if we’re honest, it’s become unreliable.

People are drowning in emails. That notice you just sent may just sit in the inbox collecting dust - especially for those employees who don't work in the corporate office.

And even out of the select few who do read your email, several of them don’t read it until hours later.

By that time, it’s too late for them to turn in their missing payroll information by EOD. Or too late for them to realize they shouldn’t come into work because the system is down.

So people miss the updates and you’re left scrambling to keep people in the know.

And this lack of good communication can even impact your bottom line.


Bill Mondillo works for Metalworking Group...

Bill Mondillo works for Metalworking Group...

...a manufacturing company in Cincinnati, OH. As a company policy, Bill’s firm pays employees for 2 full hours’ labor any time they come into work, even if they are sent home prior to working for 2 hours.

Their policy presented a big problem for them...

Their policy presented a big problem for them...

...when there was a power outage one day. Bill says, “Due to the power failure, we were unable to reach our employees because email didn’t work and we couldn’t pull up phone numbers on a computer because we didn’t have power.”

The result? Lots of people showing up to work...

The result? Lots of people showing up to work...

only to be sent home right away due to the power outage - each of them receiving 2 full hours’ pay for 0 work. There has to be a better way to keep everyone informed. But you (and Bill) can only work with what you have. Which begs the question…

Is there an easier way to alert all your employees, fast?

Meet Mobile Text Alerts: The Easiest Way to Alert Your Employees and Get Your Messages Seen

A 98% Read Rate for Your HR Alerts Is Only 5 Minutes Away

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Contact Grouping for Better Organization

Manage your texting contacts by easily segmenting your staff list into groups, so you can keep your messages nice and organized.

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Staff List Uploading for Better Convenience

No need to start from scratch - Conveniently load in your existing staff list so you can start texting employees right away.

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Unlimited Administrators for Better Flexibility

Easily create unlimited administrator logins, so you can have the flexibility to add as many people as you’d like for managing your HR notifications.

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Scheduled Messages for Better Freedom

Enjoy the ability to schedule your messages ahead of time, so you can have the freedom to set them up as you’re able (and still have them go out at the perfect time).

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Message Templates for Better Time Management

Save templates for messages you send out regularly, so you can easily resend as needed (without having to waste time typing out the same message over and over again)

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Mobile Surveys for Better Engagement

Need a simple way to get a head count for an event? Or to hear your staff’s opinion about something? Send mobile surveys, so you can get quick, tallied responses to your questions.

“I am able to communicate with staff in an instant"

"I am able to communicate with staff all over the city in an instant. I don't have to leave a message or rely on email. We use Mobile Text Alerts daily.
Andrea Simon
Andrea Simon

You Can Discover How to Send Business Texts in Less Than 5 Minutes

You can master the easy Mobile Text Alerts platform in minutes.

No hassle, no unneeded complexity.

And you can get help from a friendly support team as needed for every step of the way.

Manufacturing worker texting

Here's What It Costs (and Other Answers to Your FAQs)

Can text alerts help HR in manufacturing?
What is the cost?
Is this hard to learn and implement?
Is it easy to upload my list of contacts?

Easy Alerts - Efficient HR

Get all of the following for 14 days…

  • 50 messages, so you can fully test out the platform and get a feel for how it works

  • Personal 1-on-1 walkthrough, so you can feel confident in getting started, and have all of your questions answered

  • Convenient support, so that you can get the help you need, when you need it

  • Mobile app, so you can fire off messages whether you're at home, in the office, or on the go

  • Contact grouping, so you can organize your list to send more relevant messages

  • Spreadsheet importing, so you can take advantage of your existing list rather than starting from scratch

  • Unlimited administrators, so you can have all the flexibility you need for your HR staff and management team to send out notices

  • Message scheduling, so you’re not tied down to specific times and dates

  • Message templates, so you’re not wasting time typing out the same messages over and over

  • Mobile surveys, so you can quickly get employees’ opinions

  • Dedicated phone number, so you can free up time and hassle

  • Message scheduling, so you can make the experience as simple as possible for your employees by having a consistent texting number

  • Automations, so that you can take full advantage of messaging without a huge amount of effort

See How Easy It Is

Try it today!

“Mobile Text Alerts is the only platform that has never let me down in any way”

"I love Mobile Text alerts. It's easy to use, and I can send alerts from anywhere. We have employees all over town and I can communicate with them so easily via Mobile Text Alerts.